New Desert Rose Adenium Plant site growing planting

It’s been a very busy summer growing new hybrids of Adeniums (Desert Roses) triple, quads and doubles. If you have images have images of your favorite please post them with a comment of age, name of flower  and other details Desert Rose is a command name fro Adeniums. There are several sub species of Adeniums but they all have the basic same characteristics.

This site will have a cumulative how to grow, plant, shape, transplant and bonsai  Adenium Desert Rose plants. Look for future posts on growing from seed including different methods of propagation of Adeniums.

This weekend I will work on starting a photo gallery of desert rose plants acquired in South Florida and Thailand. Presently I am creating a seed growing area using LED lights  instead of florescent  top test growing speed and development of the plant. Since I live in South Florida the only time we need a little more control in growing desert rose Adeniums is during seed propagation. Have a great weekend!