Adenium desrt rose plants names and colors

adenium plant pruple rain
Purple Rain adenium plant

This is a followup article on names of plants, adenium plant flower colors and images that are photo shopped to change the colors. First the majority of the plants and seeds of hybrid adenium, desert rose, plants come from Thailand, India or other Asian countries.  Part of the problem is the language and part is true distortion of the actual plant flower color to sell more adenium plants

The majority of the Ebay adenium seed selling members greatly alter flower image colors. Not all of sellers alter images of the adenium flowers but a majority do. Even the names distort the truth of the adenium plant flower colors.

Desert rose magenta purple plant adenium
Purple rain true colors

Case in point is “Purple  Rain”.  Look at the the adenium images images in this article. You and will notice its not actually purple. It’s more like a dark magenta with a purple tendency.  It’s a great medium size adenium flowering plant but it’s not purple.

The image in this article is NOT altered at all. It’s still a fantastic looking adenium plant. The color variations on the pedals makes this an adenium I highly prize. Just beware of altered images and names people give to adenium plants. To see more images, 100% NOT altered, visit a AdeniumRose Company website photo gallery.  Collecting adenium plants is a great hobby and come back for more images/articles concerning adenium growing and plants.

Adenium desert rose succulent plants true flower colors

Megenta adenium rose flower with contrasting red flower
magenta verses red adenium rose flower

If you look at various adenium plant selling sites you will notice a wide range of names and colors. Adenium plant flowers come in many different shade of white, reds, pink, yellow, burgundy almost black and mixtures of these colors.  However, you need to be careful in when selecting colors on websites because many of the images are graphically changed. One of the worst ones we see on the internet are magenta and black looking flowers on the adenium plants.

Look at the image on this post and you will see a middle of the road red and a true magenta size by side. There is a color different but not the extreme over saturated magenta you see on some Ebay seed selling auctions. You will notice the adenium succulent plant magenta color flower is a red magenta not the more purple you see on Ebay.  The adenium plant flower picture were taken in normal sun light.  Notice the magenta color does have a bit of  richer magenta pedal color towards the edge of the adenium plant. The images of the desert rose succulent plant where not enhanced in anyway. It is a shade of magenta but do not get fooled by images you see on Ebay.  If you want to see true images of adenium plants check out adeniumrose website or photo gallery. Images of UN-enhanced succulent desert rose adenium plants will start going up on the photo gallery this week.

Growing Adenium plants from seeds

Adenium plant seedlings grow from seeds is not a challenging process. One of the best ways to obtain adenium plants is either acquire seedlings or grow them plants from seeds. Growing from seed is an added expense if you do not live in a tropical or warm desert climate. You will sterilized soil, growing flats and a water system unless you want to slave over the growing by doing everything by hand everyday when growing adeniums. the seedling image on this article is an adenium approximately 5 months old in  a 2.5″ x 2.5″ container. It was transplanted to this container from a community adenium growing tray when it was 3 months old. it will stay in this pot until we do the first clipping in spring to create multiple branches on the adenium desert rose plant.

When growing adenium plants from seed expect about a 80% germination rate and 70% survival rate to 5 months old. Also, when received seeds of a certain adenium flower type do not expect all the seeds to look like the parent adenium plants flower. In fact, sometimes only 50% look like the parents if the seeds are from hybrid plants. If you have a limited growing season we recommend obtaining seedlings or 3yr old plants for you collection. In the tropics (Miami, where AdeniumRose company is located) is a tropical climate. Our growing season is 8 to 10 months. Our winters are very mild with an average daytime temperature of 74 degrees.

If you live in a cool climate you will need to set up a special growing room to grow adenium plants by seeds.