New shipment of adenium plants Hybrid desert roses!

The floods in Thailand have greatly delayed new shipments of adenium plants to nurseries. Many Thailand adenium plant nurseries have lost most of their stock in floods this past winter. However, shipments of new adenium hybrid plants, desert roses, will start arriving in a couple of weeks.  Thailand is on the cutting edge of adenium hybrid plant cultivation and grafting. Desert rose plants from the Thailand area greatly exceed expectations in colors and adenium growing.

Expect to see more three and four level adenium flower pedals and even some 5 level pedals. Many of the flowers of the adenium plants are rivaling rose bush flowers in colors and shape. However, they still do not produce a fragrance like rose bushes. The desert rose plants are easier to grow than rose bushes and have less problems. If you are interested in seeing new adenium plant flowers images then go to the AdeniumRose Company photo gallery.

Here is one example of a new hybrid flower of a desert rose adenium plant for 2012 include the flowering “Happy Gold” (below). Notice the pedals layering just like a rose bush  but not.

Adenium plant desert rose flower new hybrid 2012

Saved adenium bonsai plant after a couple months

Large desert rose adenium plant with a bonsai shape
Adenium bonsai plant

You do not what you will fined in a regular nursery. We visited a nursery a couple months going out of business and found five good size desert rose adenium plants.  They were against a fence not in good shape. However, by knowing how to grow adenium plants I knew with a little work they will thrive. Desert rose plants are not hard to grow and they do take a bit of effort to destroy when they are large.

This adenium plant has a caudex of 5.5″ x 6.5″ x 7″ and 21″ tall.  The estimated age if this adenium plant is 6 to 7 years. If the top is worked right it will create a great canopy by using some simple adenium bonsai techniques.If you have not read other postings an desert rose plant is the common name for the adenium succulent plants. There are three main types of adenium plants and several hybrids.

The adenium bonsai canopy is made by spreading out the longer top branches by using bonsai wire. Loosely wrap the wire around the branches of the adenium branches and bend it down and out to from the center to flatten out the top (make canopy).  This adenium bonsai has about 8 branches that ready to wire is a canopy shape. I would lower the branches to the level of the thicker part of the upper trunk of the plant. Make sure you are careful not to breach the branches.