Adenium problem growing desert roses

I’m having a problem with one of my adeniums. I obtain 3 desert roses of them at the same time and place. All are about 1 year old  One of my 3 pack collection is dying? Why?- Sal

I need a bit more information on this adenium problem please answer these questions:

1. How often do you water and is the soil completely dry in-between watering?

2. What type of soil are you using for you adeniums?

3.  How often you water the desert roses and how much sunlight they are getting indoors or outside. If you fertilized them or not. Send an image if possible too. – Mike

I used cactus soil for the desert roses. They are planted in the same condition. All other
are fine, just this one the leaves are yellow one by one. I touch the
trunk, it’s soft compared to others. It’s always in sunny location & drain soil. – Sal

Sounds like you are doing everything right. I wonder if it got a fungus or a bug. Have you treated with a fungicide?  I would take the adenium out of the pot. Clean all the soil off the plant. Dip it in superthrive for 1.. 2 minutes (roots only) and re-pot it using fresh soil. Then do not water for two days to give the micro nutrients in superthrive to do some work.  Make sure the soil does not have any peat if possible. Add some more very small nonporous sanitized rocks to the cactus soil mix (about 10%). Cactus soil is not the best for adeniums because 90% contain peat and have too much soil.  Adeniums liek very loose airy soil. Also, since the leaves are falling off I would take them all off in case they have a fungus or a micro bug.

Each differently type of adeniums grow at different rates and some are stronger than others. They may all have been hit with the same problem but only on shows signs because of the variety.  – Mike

AdeniumRose Company adenium plants growing and new hybrids

It has been a busy summer growing the adenium desert roses plants. In the past two months our nursery has received daily heavy rain except for 4 days. We are not taking about a drizzle or a shower. These are heavy thunder storm down pours and in some days over 2″ of rain in a couple hours!  Anyway, we are a bit behind in expanding the growing area due to the weather. AdeniumRose Company is receiving a large shipment of adeniums plants and 7 varieties of euphoria milii “Crown of thorn” plants late tomorrow.

Desert roses plant hybrid form Thailand
Adenium Hybrid “Miami” plant grafted

In this shipment will include several new adenium plant hybrid and some high demand desert rose plants we have seen since our last years 2011 late summer shipment (purple rain, jumbo Santa, phamtuna, dang tealwada and others). Go to our photo gallery for more images.

The euphoria milii will be a great addition to the nursery and the shipment will include 7 varieties including several striped ones.  Plus, one blue which is very rare and unusual for a crown of thorn plant.

crown of thorn flowering succulent
euphoria milii “khuraspain” blue flower succulent

Here is the image of the euphoria milii crown thorn blue flowering succulent plant. The image seems a bit dark so we expect the actual color of the crown of thorn plant to be a medium blue instead of the royal blue pictured here. When we take the actual photos of the crown of thorn plant we will post an update.

Also, we recently added prickle pears plants with many different color flowers. They are not listed on the AdeniumRose Company website yet, but will be in a couple of months. No, we are not offering prickly pear cactus pads but very well rooted plants. Colors of the cacti prickly pear are yellow, cream, white, peach, red,  orange and other colors. Yes, there will be beaver tail plants too! We already haev a few bloom and the images will be posted in a few weeks of the succulent cactus.