This has been a busy summer with adenium plant growing and importing new hybrid

plants from Thailand. Several of the desert roses succulent flowering plants are blooming for the 2nd time this year and some for the first time since received the adeniums from Thailand. The image to the left is the patarapa dream which we received earlier this summer and they are starting to bloom. This is a great example of desert rose plant received based on an image form Thailand which was not accurate. The image on the right is the inaccurate image and the left one a picture we recently took of the flowering succulent desert rose plant at our nursery. If you have been reading our blog you will know not to trust images from Thailand or other foreign countries when buying adenium plants.
Images from Thailand and other countries are greatly enhanced and changed by the sellers to get you to buy their desert rose plants. Be careful! if you go to Epic Grower Company you will see a photo gallery of flowering adenium plants and other flowering cactus succulents. It explains what NOT PROVEN means when viewing the adenium plant flowers. We import plants from Thailand and until we see the actual flower bloom with our own eyes the image we show will say NOT PROVEN.
However, just because the adenium succulent flower does not look like the ones sent to use when we purchased the plants does not mean the their is anything wrong with them. Look at the two desert rose flower images again. The true flower type is even better because of the flower petals shape and arrangement looks better on this adenium.