Question: Hi, I have a question. The adeniums that are shipped, how long until they will be blooming, and they are all grafted, correct? thanks!
Answer: Adenium plants are spring and early summer bloomers. The actual bloom time Is based on your growing environment and nutrients in the soil. The majority of the adenium plants at our nursery have bloomed already except for several the newer plants received in late February time frame which we do not expect to bloom until later this summer or next year. AdeniumRose Company does not force bloom the plants. Mostly collectors obtain adenium plants from AdeniumRose Company who want rare/ new breeds of adenium hybrid plants they will not see in local nurseries and box stores (Wal-mart, Home Depot, etc.).
When the plants are shipped bare root the adeniums (Desert roses) if treated the plant right way and if you are in the right environment may bloom within 2 months of your re-potting them (not guaranteed). It’s highly recommended that you dip the plants in a rooting hormone such as Dyna-Gro K-L-N fro 30 minutes to give the adenium plant a growing boost which many times includes a late summer blooming. Desert rose plants shipped form AdeniumRose Company come with planting and growing instructions.
Sometimes the desert rose plant Is shipped having a few flower buds; however, since the plant is shipped bare, root 97% of the time, the buds fall off without blooming. Many collectors buy the plants now so they are well established for next year’s spring/early summer bloom. Adenium plants obtain in local stores are forced bloomed buy the nursery who use special fertilizers, growing lights and other tricks so they are blooming for a short time in the stores. This stresses the adenium plant and inhibits growing time so AdeniumRose Company does not induce flowering at this time.
AdeniumRose Company does do have a few blooming now and we see some buds on some of the adeniums that were acquired in late February. In fact, a few jumbos are blooming and we plan to take images this weekend and post them on the site as “Adenium Specials”. Adenium specials are desert rose plants listed individually as specimen plants that are 10+ years and older. There is only one of each of the Adenium Special plants and the images are of the plant you will actually receive.
Thank you for your question.