Plumeria plants, Hoyas plants and other flowering succulents

The new shipment of adeniums plants have arrived and 50% of them are potted. The rest will be potted by the end of this weekend.  Also, if you have not done so plant your seeds if you plan to grow any desert rose plants or plumeria plants now.

Adenium and plumeria plant seeds do the best when planted in early Spring.  Late spring (May) is too late for some areas because it does not give them enough time to grow to the right size to be transplanted into 2″ (about 3 months old) size pots. Once you transplant the seeds you want to have 2 more months of growing season left.  We are planting our last 3,000 adenium seeds this weekend. the first batch of adenium and plumeria seeds started in February are do great. The plumeria plant seeds, which are faster growers, are being transplanted to 2″ pots this weekend.

white hoya flowring plant
White Hoya plant flowers cluster

Are there any Hoya plant growers or collectors out there?  AdeniumRose Company is ordering our first shipment of Hoya plants/cuttings this month. We are selecting about 20 varieties and expect to have them ready in late summer.  Hoya plants are great hanging plants and perfect for under trees and other 60% to 80% sun areas. Plus, they do great in various climates.  The flowers come in bunches of circular clusters and some have a fragrance. If you are a collector please drop a note and

Large hoay flower type
Large Hoya flowers

even an image of your plants.

The two images of hoya plants are are ones we expect to order this month. these make very attractive house plants!

New shipment of adenium plants – desert roses

A new shipment of Adeniums plants were just received.  At the present time the desert rose plants are being inspected potted. Usually, we pot the plant and wait 3 or more months to offer the plants or until they haev at least 9 to ten new leaf growth. When the adenium plants are received from Thailand they are 100% leaf less and barre root. Prior to being shipped the US the adeniums go through a process including dipping the plants in a solution before they are packed in Thailand to prevent pests/bugs. When the desert rose plants arrive in the USA then must go through the USDA inspection station when a group of specialists review the plants to make sure there are not bugs or fungus prior to releasing them to AdeniumRose Company LLC.

AdeniumRose Company then inspect the plants again prior to planting.  We dip the adenium plants in Dyna-Gro K-l-N fertilizer for 30 minutes prior to potting then in our fresh desert rose soil mix.  We put rocks on top of the soil to prevent the Perlite from floating to the top of the soil. Perlite in the soil makes sure there is room for air which helps to prevents root rot.

The desert rose plants are them places in a 60% sun for 4 days without any water. After 4 days they are placed on our 100% open not under cover growing tables for 3 months before they are released bye AdeniumRose Company.