Adenium plants with three types of flowers in one

AdeniumRose Company just received in on September 8th thirty adenium plants that have three different flower types on each plant. All the desert rose plants three-in-one have caudex above soil line of 3″ wide or larger. When they create these plants they take a large or extra large adenium plant and graft rosy adenium plant flower branches types onto it.

desert rose plant
3-in-1 adenium plants. Each one has three different desert rose rosy flower types.

The first image shows 10″ pots along side  4.5″ and 6″ pots. The 3-in-1 adenium plants are in the left two rows in the round 10″ AND 6″ POTS pots.

The 4.5″ adenium plant pots (far right bottom) are the standard adeniums with caudex of 1.75″ to 2.5″. The desert rose plants in the 6″ pots have a caudex of 3″ to 4″. The adenium plants in the 10″ pot have caudex of 4.5″ and large plus the underground root system are larger too than the 6″ pots.

The second image of adenium plants are all three-in-ones.  All the desert rose plant flower types according to the Thailand supplier are rosy adeniums. Rosy means the flowers have multiple layers of petals similar to a rose bush flower.  Notice the height of the plant too.

adenium three flowers in one plant
Desert rose plants. Three different rosy flower type in one plant.

The larger the pot size the taller the desert rose plant. Not all desert rose plants are tall some are wide and have a compact adenium form. Please note these are not release to the general public at this time (September 2015). If you are a seasoned adenium plant, desert rose plant, collector we will offer them to you as you see them in the image (yes, some are already sold). Otherwise we have a planned release date of January/February time frame in time for spring in most areas of the USA.  Contact us through our web site at contact page if you want these adenium plants now.

Jumbo and extra large adenium plant list

Several clients have ask for the list of the Jumbo and extra large adenium plants received from Thailand on September 8th, 2015.  AdeniumRose Company usually waits three months before offering the desert rose plants received to allow them to leaf out.

However, if you are an experienced adenium plant, cactus or cactus grower and you want a large or jumbo size adenium plant now before your dormant period  please let us know.  Use the AdeniumRose contact page for requests.  I will update the list here once ever week until they are listed on the AdeniumRose site.  If you request a certain plant and it already sold we will let you know. No we do not have images of the  individual plants or flowers. The list has the size of the plant and the flower based on the Thailand grower. Thailand growers are not 100% accurate so the actual flower color may be different than whats listed.

All are suppose to be ROSY type multi petal adenium plants “desert roses”.  These plants, due to their size, are heavy (3.5 to 6 pounds each) and large (wide and high) so we will need to send an shipping estimate.  The size difference between Jumbo and an extra large is based on the caudex size, height and weight of the plant.  The desert rose plants that are listed as special have more interesting shapes and/or many more branches than normal.

J = Jumbo   XL-Large

2 in 1 = two different flowers types in one plant

3 in 1 = three different flower types in one plant

Size -> Caudex width x caudex depth x height above coil line

G1 A J 6 x 6 x 22 violet Sold
G1 B XL 7 x 4 x 12 violet $49.95
G1 C J 7 x 5 x15 violet $64.97
G1 D XL 6 x 4 x 14 violet $49.95
G1 E J 6 x 6 x 19 violet $64.97
G1 F J 6 x 6 x 23 special violet Sold
G1 G XL 7 x 4 x 16 violet $64.97
G2 A J 7 x 4.5 x 16 red w/pink  Sold
G2 B XL 6 x 4 x15 red w/pink $49.97
G2 C J 7 x 6 x 24 special red w/pink Sold
G2 D J 7 x 4 x 17 special red w/pink Sold
G2 E XL 8 x 4 x 10 red w/pink $49.95
G3 A J 7 x 5 x 23 special Red $67.97
G3 B XL 6 x 4 x 21 special Red $59.97
G3 C J 6 x 5 x 23 Red $64.97
G3 D J 6 x 5 x 23 Red $64.97
G3 E XL 5.5. x 5 x 15 Red $49.95
G3 F J 7 x 4 x 19 Red $64.97
G3 G J 7 x 4 x 18 Red $64.97
G3 H XL 4.5 x 4 x 21 Red $49.95
G3 I J 7 x 4 x 21 Red  Sold
G3 J J 7 x 8 x 21 Red $64.97
G3 K XL 6 x 4 x 123 Red $49.95
G3 L J 7 x 6 x 24 Red Sold
G3 M XL 6 x 4 x 15 Red $49.95
G4 XL 7 x 5 x 13 Red w/white stripe Sold
G5 A XL 6 x 4 x 14 Deep Violet $49.95
g5 B XL 6 x 4 x 19 Deep Violet $49.95
G6 XL 8 x 5 x 14 special Two in one Violet and red Sold
G7 A XL 8 x 4 x 16 special red with pink rim $55.97
G7 B XL 6 x 4 x 17 special red with pink rim $55.97
G7 C XL 6 x 5 x 14 red with pink rim $49.95
G8 A J 8 x 4 x 16 special yellow Sold
G8 B J 7 x 5 x 22 yellow Sold
G9 A XL 5 x 4 x 22 Yellow w/white stripe $49.95
G9 B XL 6 x 5 x 20 Yellow w/white stripe $49.95
G9 C XL 7 x 5 x 13 Yellow w/white stripe $49.95
G9 D XL 7 x 4 x 20 Yellow w/white stripe Sold
G9 E XL 5 x 5 x 17 Yellow w/white stripe Sold
G9 F XL 5 x 4 x 17 Yellow w/white stripe $49.95
G10 XL 6 x 4 x 12 Yellow w/white stripe $49.95
G11 A XL 6 x 4 x 14 Dark red  Sold
G11 B XL 6 x 4 x 13 Dark red $49.95
G11 C J 7 x 4 x 16 special Dark red Sold
G11 D XL 6 x 5 x 19 Dark red $49.95
G11 E XL 5 x 4 x 14 Dark red $49.95
G11 F XL 5 x 5 x 14 Dark red $49.95
G12 J 7 x 6 x 22 special 3-in-one red/yellow/pink Sold
G13 J 7 x 5 x 17 special white with red rim Sold

Growing Hoya plants, wax plants, in various climates


hoya plant or wax plant
Hoya bordenii rare hoya plant

We recently received a few questions about growing hoya plants including some people saying hoyas cannot be grown in southern Florida which is a myth.  Prior to starting AdeniumRose Company I grew hoya plants on a patio in south Florida and they consistently flowered for many years. They were in 12″ pots hanging down from a height of 8 feet to the ground in a covered patio area. They grow so fast I continually needed to cut them back otherwise they would be touching the ground. Hoyas are TROPICAL succulent plants that grow great in partial shade outdoors and in-doors in many different climates.

Hoya plants will grow in high humidity to average humidity areas outdoors.  They prefer partial shade because full sun can cause leaf burn. As an indoor plant, hoyas prefer 6..7 hours of 70% to 80% sunlight a day to flower.  We use a soil mix a little richer in organic materials than we do for our adeniums and other succulents. However, just like any succulent the soil must drain quickly and be airy to prevent root rot. Hoyas do not mind being root bound and some varieties even bloom faster if root bound.  However, do not repot to a smaller pot from a large pot just to get them to flower faster because you will damage the root system

All AdeniumRose Company’s grow the wax plants in hanging pots have drainage holes open and they are watered about twice a week from late winter through fall. You need to adjust your watering schedule based upon your growing season.  Yes, you can grow your hoyas outdoors during the warmer months. Remember to bring them in doors as the temperatures get below 50 degrees. During the slow growing months (winter) we reduce the watering to once a week and make sure the soil is 90% dry before watering.

P.S. Hoyas are also know as wax and Hindu rope plants.