Hoya plant pubicalyx red button flowering succulent saved from Nursery

rare hoya plant
Hoya plant publicalxy splash in 10 gallon pot.

The image shows the hoya plant after working on it the past week. I rescued it from a wholesale nursery that did not know how to take care of hoya plants. Many of the leaves were damaged by too much sun (red/cracked/blotches) and the it was choking itself in the container. Pubicalyx red button hoya plant grows fast and has rich purple flowers.

This hoya plant had many flowers on it but due to the sun the nursery person said the just fall off before opening (he did not know it require shade/indirect light to grow well). The plant was growing with 4 other Hoya plants in 10 gallon containers along a fence in the back of the nursery where most customers do not see it.  I travel other nurseries in South Florida to see what they are offering and grab rare plants other wholesale plant growers are offering. Not all nursery growers know how to maintain all varieties of plants. It seems when it comes to cactus and succulents not specialized nursery growers either over water them or give them the wrong amount of light or fertilizer.

hoya flower pubicalyx red button
Hoya plant Publicalyx cv red button

When the plant was first obtained it was twice the size as in the image. When Pubicalyx red button hoya plant is very nature it sometimes sends out purple starter leaves.  One the leafs grow they turn green and have tan/white speckling on them. We have another large Pubicalyx red button hoya that is used for propagation and this one will be added to it. We expect to have a few ready next month and then in 3 months many more.


The wholesale dealer said he have a few more hoyas which I plan to rescue this weekend if they are of the rare type like this one. If I remember I will take images first so you see how distress the hoya plants are before I work on  them (Cutting away bad parts).  The dealer does not know the names of the Hoya plants or where he obtained which is way they were in the back someplace not being offered to his clients.  When you visit nurseries do not be shy walk the whole area (the workers will tell you if you are in off limits area or not).  Sometimes you will find something way in the back that you know what it is but the nursery has neglected that you can obtain for pennies on the dollar.

Adenium plant Bonsai style that have root problems solved

desert rose plant large
See healed areas in black circled on adenium plant

This plant had root rot problems last year on two roots section. I had to cut it all the way back to the trunk of the desert rose plant about 1 year ago. This is not a small adenium.  I started to work on it a couple years ago to create a canopy bonsai style adenium. The flower type on this one is called saptaweekum which is a very large flower type (the largest I have seen). In the image you will see the two areas where the roots were cut back: one all the way to the trunk and the other cut back to just above the large exposed root/caudex section on the left.

The canopy extends over 27″ from left to right.  The height of the plant is about 22″ inches and the caudex is about 10..11″ across (it’s in a 16″ pot).  The adenium plant started to flower about two weeks ago and still has some blooms on it.

desert rose flower
extremely large adenium flower – bends the branches 90% of the time!

The root rot was first notice last year when all the other plants started to leaf out and this one didn’t.  Some take a couple weeks longer but this one just showed very little growth. The desert rose plant was taken out f the pot and then we noticed root rot. on two of the roots. As stated in other articles when you have rot you need to get rid of it 100%.

We did not repot the adenium plant for 3 weeks. Adenium plants can last several weeks bare root. The larger the desert rose plant the longer it can survive.  Once planted, we wait one week to water and fertilize. Yes, we did drip it in Dyan-Grow K-L-N for 30 minutes before we potted it.  One month after we potted it we put it with the rest of the adeniums which received regular fertilization using Dyna-Gro Grow.  Time released fertilizer was given right before fall.

It took a year but the desert rose plant is 100% recovered and growing great. The areas where the rot was cut out gives the plant some character.

Rare hoya plants growing great in South Florida

Some Floridians complain about never having a true winter or getting fall colors. Then we get discourage more when summer heats begins in late March (remember we are tropical South Florida) but one thing we do not complain about is growing things. The hoya plants are doing great and we expect to release another bunch of rare very hard to find Hoyas beyond the ones already listed on the AdeniumRose website in two months.

Hoya Chicken Farm plant
Hoya Chicken Farm plant

The hoyas plants were received in early January as plugs/rooted cuttings (very small plants with very few roots with 2 or 3 leaves). Just about all the hoya plants received have grown to several leaves and tripled in size.  Not all hoyas grow at the same rate and usually the rare ones are rare due to how hard they are to propagate and/or grow in various environments. All our hoyas are grown in 6″ round hanging pots using a propagation soil mixture.

In south Florida, just about all types of Hoyas can be grown from cuttings and plugs without any special growing setups. Yes, we had some failures but less than 5%  and usually that’s because the plugs/rooted cuttings were received in poor condition from the original supplier.  Some of the hoyas will not take off until the humidity kicks in around late April time frame.

Quick note about the adeniums: the last shipment of adenium desert rose plants  were received in January and they are leafing out. We expect to add them to the Adeniumrose website at the end of this month or in early April. Yes, we received in over fifty 3-in-1 adenium desert rose plants, about 30 jumbos and hundreds of standard size adenium plants. The last order of 3-in-1 plants (last year) were gone in less than 2 weeks once released so please check for updates on a regular basis.