3-in-1 adenium plant update and Dyna-Gro K-L-N

Update on 3-in-1’s and additional jumbo adenium plants. Hopefully we will release more desert rose plants on Sunday or late Monday. About ten to twelve 3-in-1’s extra large and 3..6 more jumbos should be ready. This is be the last release of 3-in-1 and jumbos for several months.

The 3-in-1 adenium plants are all grafted with 3 different hybrid flower types.  The current plants growing by AdeniumRose Company in S. Florida have red, red-violet, pink, pink with red stripe, very dark red, white, and other colors. There are several with no color labels. In the past some desert rose plants received had yellow and yellow variations but we have not seen yellow on the current desert rose 3-in-1 plants. All of the adenium plants were grafted in Thailand. Once the desert rose plant arrives and passes USDA inspection we drip them for 30 minutes in Dyna-Gro K-L-N solution before potting. K-L-N is a rooting hormone solutions with important micro-minerals. It’s used whenever we plant any cactus, succulent or other plant. Once the plant is potted we do not water it for3 days to give roots time to heal and absorb the Dyna-Gro K-L-N nutrients.

After the desert rose plants are outside/potted for two weeks AdeniumRose Company starts to use Dyna-Gro Grow liquid fertilizer on the adenium plant. We do not use time released fertilizer until the adenium plants have been growing at our facility for 3 months.

Adenium Plants Desert Roses New Jumbo release

AdeniumRose Company LLC is releasing the first very limited Jumbo and 3-in-1 adenium plants in about 1 hour.  Some of the jumbo desert rose plants have bloomed. We plan a second release of plants Jumbos and 3-in-1 plants in about a month (some are not ready yet). Beyond the second release it will be many months before any new adenium plants in the Jumbo size or the 3-in-1 we be ready.  If you are a current client registered on our site or you follow us on Facebook then you already received noticed. The Jumbo size adenium plants are one of a kind plants.

Here are some images of recent blooms from a few of the Jumbo desert rose plants:

adenium plantDesert rose plant

The first image above was taken last month when one of the 3-in-one bloomed. Its labeled Dark-Red desert rose. In addition the 3-in-1 label has a pink with stripe and purple on it.  The second image of a adenium flower is call Pink-red and it’s on a jumbo plant.

adenium plant flowering succulentadenium plant

The desert rose plant flower above left is labeled red purple bloom on a jumbo and also on one of the 3-in-1 plants. The outer edges have purple with the rest shades of red. The image on the right has a label dark red. It was blooming on a Jumbo size adenium plant. There was one desert rose plant 3-in-1 that had a similar flower bloom but much darker and label black. There are not true BLACK adenium flowers, however, some of the very, very dark reds look close to black. We saw a pink with stripe bloom one of the adenium flower one of the 3-in-1 that look very similar Siam classic. There are a few adenium plants 3-in-1 with a label saying pink with stripe.

3 more Hoya plants were rescued from a Nursery

Flowering hoy aplant australis ssp tenuipes
White hoya flowers Australis ssp Tenuipes

I went back to the nursery that had the publicalyx reb button plants in 10 gallon pots and picked up three more hoyas (the last of them) that were in worse shape than the plant obtained last week. Hoya plants are very resilient so I knew we (AdeniumRose company) use the plants to propagation. I offered a lower price and they accepted because nobody else wanted the hoya plants due to the condition of the leaves. The nursery owner was asked why the leaves were ugly and they said they were not sure because they grow then like other succulents.

The nursery only sells cactus and succulent plants purchased from large wholesale growers.  At that point we help him understand that not all cactus/succulents plants grow in the same environments and explained that the hoya plants they had were getting way too much sun light causing leaf damage.

Hoya plant with leaft damage
Notice the damaged leaves due to too much sunlight on this hoya plant

See the image of the hoya plant to the left and you will notice the leaves have sun sores, red spots and lightness.  The leaves should have a rich green color with speckles of silver on the leaves on the hoya publicalyx red button. The hoyas australis ssp tenuipes should have medium green lease. The hoya australis ssp tenuipes was in better shape than the publicalyx red button.

All three of the hoyas are in full bloom and AdeniumRose Company

is in the process of propagating the hoya plants for mid summer release. We are propagating larger sections than normal so when released client will get bigger hoya plants. Hoyas make great indoor hanging or climbing plants or/and patio plants under overhangs to protect them from too much sun light. Hoyas are more tolerant of water than typical flowering succulent plants but they still do not like sitting in water or non-porous soil.

The images were taken with a Samsung s7 phone in normal daylight setting.