Fertilizer is not just to replenish depleted soil. It also protects your plants by giving then the right nutrients. Now is a great time to review your fertilization schedule of your adenium, hoya, plumeria and other plants. Summer rains drain the soil of nutrients the plants need and the only way to replenish the soil is by fertilizing. Now is the time to use the time release 7-7-7 fertilizer (good for 3 months) and Dyna-Gro Grow (twice a month) unless you just potted the plants. When potting plants give the adenium, hoya or plumeria plants a root rich nutrient fertilizer such as Dyna-Grow K-L-N. Give another dose of the root fertilizer (hormone) two weeks later and then 4 weeks after planting. After a month add the plants to your regular fertilizing schedule.
Adenium Seedling and fertilizer for seedlings

AdeniumRose Company just release a new batch of seedlings (red, white, Picohee and splash). If you are an experienced grower of adeniums or want to try your hand in growing young plants this is a great time to get them. Three discount specials were just added to www.adeniumrose.com for the 6, 12 and 18 packs of adenium desert rose seedlings. Also, if you have never grafted an adenium plant these seedlings will make a great base in a couple years or graft them on your already existing desert rose plant. One seedlings we use Dyna-Gro Grow fertilizer every watering. Also, we do set aside a few and use Dyna-gro bloom fertilizer once they are 6 months old to check he flower type consistency. Yes, seedling as young as 7 months can bloom if you give them fertilizer a boost!
Are you a hoya collector? They make great in-door or covered patio house plants. Hoyas have a wide variety of leaf colors, shapes and very interesting flowers. The hoya plants are easy to grow and the 3 pack is a great way to start a collection!
Plant Auctions
Many clients know that we do offer plants on Etsy, Bonanza, EBay beyond the Adeniumrose.com site. The Adeniumrose.com site has the widest variety of plants and you can use coupons. However, on eBay we do Hoya auctions of special plants that are extra large or very limited in availability. We are growing over 70 different varieties of hoyas and continually seek out new rare varieties. Yes, we trade hoyas too if its something we can propagate for future release. Send us your wish list and we will try to source them.
If you have questions please visited just post the question below one of the articles and we will reply. Please do not send questions to our email address.
From all of us have a great July!
AdeniumRose Company LLC