Q; I received my order last Friday, and all the adenium seedlings plants are in great shape, thank you very much for your quick shipping of my order. I noted there are total of 7 instead of 6 plants, and I believed the 7th plant was a surprise gift from you and its shape also looks different than the other 6. My wife told me she likes the shape of the extra plant better than the 6 that I ordered because it looks like a bonsai type of Desert Rose that she loves. My curiosity was what is the name of that Desert rose that you sent us as a gift. Do you have a sample picture of the flowers it produces? We are just Desert Rose newbies. We also have another plant which is much more mature and we plan to re-pot and to crop it to a shorter shape with a hope it will produce more branches next year. Should we crop and re-pot at the same time or we should do them in two separate times? How long should we wait if we have to crop and re-pot at two separate times.
Growing adenium seedlings questions answers

Answer: The larger adenium seedling you received is the splash seedling (see image to the left). Its really not a seedling anymore due to age and size but all seedling orders get at least one of those.
Answer two (large adenium): If you have more than 2 months of growing season left then crop the desert rose plant BEFORE re-potting. Adenium plants (desert roses) will grow fine in a crowded pot so its OK to leave them in a while longer to give time for the cropped branches to sprout more branches. Once the new adenium plant branches are one inch or longer then repot.