3-Day Adenium Special Sale
Adeniumrose Company 3-Day Large size Adenium plant sale starts tomorrow. Please note – we only have a limited number of 3 and 5 packs available so if you want large adeniums at standard or lower prices then Friday September 20, 2017 morning 7:30 Eastern time is the time to act.
Status of AdeniumRose Company Nursery
AdeniumRose Company along with 78% of the Miami metro area is out of power (about 2 million customers). This post was dictated to a friend in another state to post it. AdeniumRose Company will not be shipping adeniums, hoyas, any plants or products until next week. USPS/ and/or UPS are not operating as of this morning. Most phone and internet services are out due to no power and/or damage.
The nursery is in a mess. 90% of the plants in moved to a warehouse before the hurricane but the growing beds, racks, etc. need to be fixed. AdeniumRose Company will be working on getting back up this week, fixing things damaged, etc. after checking/helping friends and family first.
As long as Hurricane Jose stays away, AdeniumRose Company plans to start shipping next Monday 18th September. Many areas will be without power for weeks and it will take a while to clear streets of debris so people can get around safely.
Plant Inventory And Sales
We will do a complete adenium plant and hoya plant inventory as we put the AdeniumRose nursery back outside. There will be a sale on the large adeniums as stated on Facebook but it will not start until this Friday. Hoya varieties will be added to the inventory and other plants. Expect to start Hoya auctions again starting on Sunday.

AdeniumRose Company received a large shipment of 3-in-1 plants two weeks ago which we plan to release in 2..3 months for spring blooming. Yes some awesome looking Arabicum adenium plants were in the shipment. The 3-in-1 and the arabicum are larger plants in with caudexs of 4″ to 8″. The release of the arabicums is planned at the same time as the 3-in-1 adenium plants. Arabicums are the adenium plants that produce super wide caudexes with tons of branching. Adenium arabicum plants Tare the ones that Thailand growers use in award competitions.
I wish everybody in the affected areas quick recovery. Please note we will not be able to respond to emails or questions on the blog quickly until power is restored.