Desert Rose Seedlings Adenium

Growing desert rose seedlings require patience. Many people purchase adenium seeds online and expect flowers in 12 months or less.  Adenium plants, just like all desert plants, require patience and dedication. It takes time to fatten up the caudex and care when young to prevent rot.

First the Desert Rose Seedling Have Patience Part

desert rose seedlings trayIf you want to give your desert rose seedlings the best start do not transplant them early.  Many people tend to rush transplanting them.  Over the years we have learned that it’s better to leave them in the growing liners longer.  AdeniumRose Company / ExoticGrower Company  waits until the seedling is busting out of the plastic of 1 inch liners. The liners are 1 inch wide by 2 inches deep.

When removed from the growing liner the caudex is a good 1″ wide and 1″ deep.  The desert rose seedlings are placed in 3″ round or square nursery pots.  At this point the adenium seedlings are approximately 8 months to 1 yr old.   Yes, we do crop the seedlings about 2 months before the removal from the liners.

Once the adenium plants are in 3″ pots we then wait until they are busting out of those pots before we move them up to the next size.  Remember, we are growing these outdoors under a shade cloth (70% sun).  Yes, we have automatic watering and fertilization system in a very warm and humid environment (Tropical SE Florida). Your results may vary.  Be patient.

Now the Desert Rose Seedlings Flowering Part

Contrary to many peoples opinions, adenium seedlings may flower within 1 yr.  The trick is to use the right nutrients starting when the desert rose seedlings are about 8 months old.  We use Dyna-Gro Bloom when we want to test a few seedlings for flower type.  Now if you do this you will cause the plant to focus energy on blooming not growing.

When you buy a plant at big box stores (home improvement stores/nurseries) they force blooms this way.  If the plants are not blooming they lose sales.  We do not recommend using a bloom formula until the desert rose seedlings are 18 months old.  Wait until they have a few branches and the caudex is at least 1″ wide.

Desert Rose Seedlings Pot Size

Ok – you now know how Adeniumrose Company grow adenium seedlings in liners.  What pot size should you use for seedlings?  This depends greatly on your growing environment. If you do not regularly tend the plants you may need to use larger pots so they retain some moisture longer. Desert rose seedlings require monitoring.  If you do not want to monitor your plants or you are not automated (water/fertilizing) then do not buy seedlings.

Since you are not a nursery use pots that breathe. We use bonsai pots and Terra cotta type pots only when planting for clients.  Yes – some are glazed but not on the bottom. The size of the pot for desert rose seedlings should not be more than 1/2″ – 3/4″ wider on each side of the plant.  If the caudex is 1inch use a 2.5 to 3 inch pot.  Desert rose seedlings could use a pot 2.5 to 3 inches deep.

Remember to use the right soil and give the plant plenty of water during the growing season.  If you have questions please post them in the comment area below.

Have a great time growing your desert rose seedlings!