Adenium Spider Mites & More

Adenium Spider Mites problem and other issues from a new collector.  Here is the question (name removed for privacy):

“Hi, my name is M from Illinois.  I discovered Adenium Desert Rose plants (purchased 5 from TV show) about two years ago I am slowly learning how to take care of them.   After losing two adeniums, I had ordered three more.  I was having issues with a white powder substance on some of the leaves and stems.  My original two looked really bad with one of them having a Caudex which became rather soft.

I re-potted my two original adenium plants and potted my new ones in clay type bonsai style pots with SCHULTZ Cactus Palm & Citrus Potting mix.  I have had them out in full hot sun while watering every two or three days.  They have all come back and are full of leaves and one is blooming vigorously.  Their Caudex’s are now all firm.  You may be wondering why I am telling you all of this.  I ran across your site, and wish I had found it earlier.  I want to order two or three of your very large plants, but want to make sure I am doing nothing wrong now.  Out of all of the plants I own, these are by far my favorite, and I want to have success with them.”

Adenium Spider Mites Problem on Plants

adenium spider mitesThe white powdery substance is appearing again.  I read to use neem oil.  It does contain other ingredients as well.  So I have not used it yet.  Other people say use a soap based product instead.

I am also wondering what the best type of indoor light to use when I move them inside for the colder months.  I have several items in my cart on your site, and even though I have three large plants picked out, I’m wondering if I should start with one.  I want to order the Dyna-Gro fertilizer on your site,. Also some of the soil that you use.  I know it may seem odd to ask for advise before I place an order.  I don’t want to destroy one of your beautiful plants.  Thank You if you can give any feedback.

Adenium Spider Mites Resolved

The white stuff sounds like spider mites. If its sticky then is a adenium spider mites problem?  They are hard to get rid of with neem oil or soap.   We use Bayer advanced Total spray on the adeniums.  I would spray all the plants every 5 days for 3 weeks to make sure you get rid of the live ones and news ones once they hatch.  You need to consistent when you have adenium spider mites.  Even if you do not see anymore keep spraying.

Yes – change to the Dyna-Gro grow instead of the The palm and citrus. The Dyna-Grow Grow is better balanced and has more micro nutrients for the  plants.  AdeniumRose Company LLC use the Grow and/or foliage on all out plants not just the adeniums.   During the rainy season we use Dyna-Grow Tekt too to help the plant with nutrient absorption.

Lights for growing is a whole different topic.  AdeniumRose Company does not use grow lights at our location is SE Florida location (a cold day is 50 degrees during winter).  However, Mike started a new nursery call Epic Grower LLC in the North Georgia mountains (elevation 1700 feet).  His brother, Harris,  has taken over AdeniumRose Company LLC  day to day operation this past spring (2020) with Mike’s help remotely.

Epic Grower LLC is used LED lights  for various plants.  Presently, Epic Grower uses lights from Spider Farmer and  Mars Hydro.  No they do not offer LED lights.  There website is almost ready to go live.

Reply from M:  Thank You very much for that feedback.  I will get some tomorrow, and I’m glad I didn’t spray them with neem oil.  Yes, it is a little sticky, and actually if I look closely, there appears to be very small spider web type material in a very few places.  Yes, its a adenium spider mites problem. I hope everything else I have been doing is okay, because I’m probably going to place an order with you guys tomorrow, and I don’t want to risk damaging a new plant.  Thanks again
