Cutting a columnar cactus plants

Questions:  I am trying to gather information on cutting a columnar cactus plants. I have been gifted a cactus from a friend but it is unmanageable. She grew it from a tiny cutting, the cactus plant it is now close to 7 feet tall with no off shoots. I would like to cut it down and pot the other half but I am nervous to move forward. So far on line I have read to sterilize the knife and to let the cutting dry before planting. I am nervous as to what length to cut off, what to do (if anything) to the exposed piece at the top, how specifically to cut it without damaging it, or any other information I may need. I apologize if this email is asking for too much information, I would just like to treat such a special plant with as much care as possible. Thank you, Jessica

Answer:  Yes you can cut the top off of the cactus and plant it. Beyond the standard procedures of cutting you should soak the cut portion (the part you plant to put under the ground) with super thrive once the cut is HEALED! The exposed piece at the top of the cactus (part left in the ground) you need to protect for approximately two weeks to prevent  fungus.  The cactus plant will ooze sap and it will take a long time for the cactus plant part left in the ground to heal than the cut off cactus plant portion. How much of the cactus to cut off?  I have seen anything thing from a few inches to several feet cut off.  if your cactus plant has branching I would say to cut above the branches but your cactus does not have branches. Also, depending upon where you live determines when to crop the cactus plant because you do not want the cactus plant healing in the cold weather or humid weather.

23 Replies to “Cutting a columnar cactus plants”

  1. I have an Aeonium Plant that has babies growing from it. Can they separated or what is healthiest for the original plant? If they can be separated where & how do I separate them?

    1. good Morning: Sorry for the delay. Aeoniums are easy to grow from the pups. I usually wait until the pups haev some roots established before cutting them from the mother succulent plant. the mother succulent aeonium plant will continue to grow new pups. We use sharp knives to separate the pups from the mother plant and them protect the mother plant for 3..4 days from water to give the sore to heal.

  2. I have a beautiful cactus rose, I was told it was one of those plants that are
    supposed to stay small, I potted it in miracle grow cactus soil, and for some
    reason the plant grew…..I am going to cut it and try to pot some of the cuttings,
    I just wasn’t too sure as how to do so, I did a lot of reading on this plant and I do
    believe that there a lot of cactus roses…..I found that to be amazing I just thought there was just one cactus rose, silly me…..wish me luck, as my original plant is very gorgeous I would really hate to destroy it, but I know I have to do something…

  3. I have read the blog on cutting the top off a column cacti.

    Now how long does it take for the piece to be planted to scab over and how long should I soak it in a cacti nutrient, I take it, it doesn’t have to be Super Thrive as long as is made for cacti

    1. Usually once you crop of a top of a cactus it should be kept dry for 7 to 10 days. We do not use superthrive on our plants because its missing some vital micro nutrients plants need. We use Dyanr-Gro products.

  4. I have a column or totem pole cactus…it grew to almost 7 feet… we cut the top part before it had branches or pups at about 1 1/2 feet off… later re potted.. the new ones are about 3 feet now and the mother cactus is again over 7 feet with 5 pups at the top of the cactus, about 1/1/2 feet.each…. we live in Michigan and keep them outside in spring and summer and early fall but then bring them inside for the winter. We need to cut again because of the height…how do we cut the pups off to replant and not damage the mother cactus in the process,,,We cant seem to find a how to video or directions on where exactly to cut the pups.. Do we cut it just above the new growth.. or where the pups connect to the mother cactus… or lower and below the pups onto the mother cactus?

    1. you need to make sure you heal the cut before planting (let the cut dry out 5..7 days). Then dip plant/end into a rooting hormone such as Dyna-Gro K-L-N for 30 minutes before planting. You cut where it connects tot he mother plant (above ground pups/brancehs). If the pup is growing at the soil line wait until the pup has a few roots before cutting out.

  5. Hi there can you clarify that the original cactus will heal and grow normally or will it look like the tops been cut off it. My cactus is a potted indoor plant. I was going to try cut the thin middle section out and regrant it but think it might be difficult as both sections would be long. If the cut part grows it’s top back then I will just cut out the thin section and keep and grow both ends. I would appreciate your advice. Thanks

  6. New question from new writer: We had a wonderful NEEDLE CACTUS growing like crazy from about 12″ to 5-6′ before hubby thought it best to cut it back a few feet [without my agreement and without asking on a cactus site. HOW to prevent fungus from developing on the cut off section? What should I buy? Thanks.

  7. I have a column cactus which is as old as I am – 63 yrs – but it has started now to die back from the top (had been about 8′ tall, but the top 18″ or so has gone grey and dead looking recently). What can be done.?

  8. I have four columnar cacti in a fifteen inch diameter pot. At this point I am about to cut in half three stocks because they are nearly touching the ceiling. My question is: can I repot the cut stocks into the fifteen inch pot or should I repot the cut stems in a twenty or so inch pot?

    1. We are not a grower of that particular cactus. I would wait until the next growing season before cropping the top of the plant. Once you crop the top off you will need to protect the exposed cut from water for 7 to 10 days to prevent rot.

  9. Hi. I have an Euphorbia trigona. It’s probably 8 feet tall and very top heavy. I want to cut it in half to manage. I’m wondering what time of the year is best to do? I live in California zone 9. I keep my plant outside. Moving close to the house in the winter months.
    Thank you

  10. I have a column cactus about 6ft tall. Something is taking a bite of the off shoots the size of the bite marks left look like a grown man had took a bite out of it. This is only during night time hours. It has been planted this past sept. And just now being chewed on the past 2 weeks. Will a net help with this problem? If this keeps happening there will be nothing left

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