Adenium plant desert rose growing not growing well problems

I got my desert rose plants back in late 2012. I planted them as suggested by the sent info. They are alive, some of the leaves have fallen off as I  was told in the sent info. The trunk or body of plants are green and look well but STILL no leaves after all this time. It is planted in a clay pot with rocks at bottom and in cactus soil. I water once a week and it appears to drain well…. Am I doing something wrong??????? Right now some of the dead leaves are still on the trunk and has not fallen off yet..Trunks are green but no new growth.

Answer:  Where are you growing it?  How much light a day? Temperature?  In south Florida all ours now have new leaves now. Some of the adeniums didn’t get new leaves until a couple weeks ago because of the weather changing from warm to cool back to warm and then back to cool and now arm again.  We water them twice a week .

Reply: It sits in a sun face south and west. Temp at about 71. I’m living in Atlanta

Answer: OK – your adeniums growing season is about 1 month behind ours here in Miami  where the days are in the 80’s already and a bit longer since we are 700 miles south of you. . How many hours of light doe sit get (sun directly hitting the sun room).  As soon as it does not get below 50 at nite move them outside to get longer sunlight. Sun rooms are still filtered light. Or wait and I suspect that if you keep it in the sun room you can expect leaves and new growth in about 30 days as the room warms up.  Also, watering once a week is not enough in the spring which is desert rose plants growing season.  Did you use super thrive when you planted the adenium plants to give the roots a boost? If yes then you do not need to fertilize desert roses with time release until it gets at least 5 leaves or more.

6 Replies to “Adenium plant desert rose growing not growing well problems”

  1. I recently repotted a large desert rose, to my delight i found a huge caudex. how much of it can i leave uncovered?

    1. Good Day:
      It’s hard to say without an image of the plant. When we re-pot an adenium plant that has over grown the pot we usually expose about 1/4 to 1/3 of the caudex that was under soil. However, this is a general rule and base on an average desert rose plant. Many younger plants we expose less if the root system or even use some tricks to spread out the caudex to force the plant to grow fatter adenium obesum caudex under and above the soil line.

  2. I have a year old potted adenium, sitting in the sun and watered on alternate days to keep the soil just moist, never sticky.
    It has never been healthy and grown well. Recently I added one tea spoon of 15:15:15 nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertiliser dissolved in water. This too has not benefitted.
    I stay in India, we get plenty of sunlight and the weather averages at 35 C with 40-60% humidity.

    Please suggest a remedy.
    Thank you

  3. Hi.. I live in India.. I have an adenium whose growth seems to have stopped. It’s been a few months since I’ve seen new growth. Will repotting help stimulate new growth

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