Fat plants as know as caudiciform plants growing from seed

This past two weeks Adeniumrose Company has stated to grow fat plants beyond adenium desert rose plants. Fat plants, also known as caudiciforms, consist of plants of many types that form a fat stem, fat exposed roots or fat thick trunk.  There are many different many different caudiciform plants that range in height from a few inches to over 30 feet tall (Baobab tree a pachycaul).  Plants with fat stems or trunks are called Pachycauls.

Growing fat plants by seed is a bit more difficult than growing adeniums which is a fat plant since each fat plant type requires different growing considerations. One thing they all have in common is the need to have well drained soil since just about all of the fat plants are succulents or cactus. Since AdeniumRose Company is located is sunny just about always warm we are able to start growing the seeds now without the worry from March through September.

The ones

Epicgrower Company started this month consist of 10 different fat plants and about 100 seeds of each.  If all goes well by this time next year many will be offered on our site. We are using the same soil mixture we use to grow adeniums by see except for a couple which will be in a mix with 50% perlite instead of 65%. The soil also contains core 20% to 30% , and about 10% soil.

The first batch of two different types of fat plants were planted two weeks ago and they are both germinating at a rate of about 50%.  Adeniumrose company is using a few different seed sources for the fat plants to see who has a better germination rate. We will keep you posted with images in the near future as the caudiciforms plants pop out of the soil (germinate).

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