Adenium plant big desert rose growing

Caring and growing adenium plant desert roses requires a little knowledge as in growing any plants. Your location, amount of sun, temperatures, watering and fertilizer all plays a part in growing adeniums. Desert Rose plants can be grow in all climates but in come areas you need to be a bit more active in protecting them form weather.

If you live in the north keep the adenium plants in a warm bright area during the winter. Do not let them freeze. They should be kept in an area that is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. All adeniums like a dormant period and may even loose several of its leaves during winter but not all. When growing your desert rose look for signs of stress: leaves following or yellowing. You may need to fertilize your adenium plant or increase water the desert rose. When watering your desert rose adenium plants keep water off the leaves if possible. Do not water will not hurt the leaves but a build up of dirt, chemicals and other particles in your water can decrease the growth of your adenium desert rose. Also, when selecting fertilizer keep the nitrogen lower than 15 (the first number).

The middle number in the fertilizer content for your adenium should be the highest number of the three. Use time release fertilizer NOT LIQUID! Adeniums like a neutral to hard water. Acidic water tends to sour the soil too fast and may cause root rot. Water plants preferably in the early morning, and allow them to drink up throughout the day.

Watering can be done daily to every few days. Never allow your plants to sit in a saucer of water, neither allow them to be dry too long or too often – this causes adeniums to go into early dormancy. Adenium hybrids can be multi-grafted with several colors/varieties on the same plant. The swollen base will be formed only when the rod stock plant is grown from seed.

2 Replies to “Adenium plant big desert rose growing”

  1. I was sold BR-61 for food for my dessert rose. It’s really big and old. Don’t know if I should feed it this

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