When creating an adenium bonsai plant in a particular style you need to have a plan of attack and patience. Desert rose plants are not fast growing plants, however, they are very forgiving when creating an adenium bonsai. Do you need formal bonsai training or special tools? No – just follow a few simple steps. If you like the shape of the plant as-is (natural adenium bonsai) then just do nothing like many collectors. However, if you want to create a windswept look, canopy or other bonsai style then you will need to do a few things including wiring branches.
Shaping Adenium Bonsai Plant Canopy Style

Adenium branches are soft and easy to break so you must wait for the branches to thicken up a bit before wiring. If the branches get too long crop (trim) them back to force thickening of the main branches. If you are creating a canopy style adenium bonsai then wiring is not needed. See the image to the right with many branches. This adenium plant was trimmed/cropped/pruned (whatever word you want to use) to force more branches to grow. We wanted three or more branches to come out for each main branch cropped. The thicker the main branch the more branches will pop out of the side below the cut.
This adenium bonsai branches were cropped three times before 3 or more branches developed for each branch cropped. Look at the thick branches of this desert rose bonsai. There are four main branches and each has several smaller new branches coming out. The over-all height of the total plant above the soil line is below 12″. The caudex is 5″ across and 5″ deep (5 yr old plant). This adenium Bonsai we just listed and sold today (less than 3 hours on the AdeniumRose website). AdeniumRose Company plans to create bonsai started plants and listed them as Adenium Bonsai on the website. Due to the nature of creating a bonsai I do not have a time frame of when ones will be listed.
More Adenium Branches = Larger Caudex
Once each of the new branches thickens up we will crop them. The whole idea is to have a wide canopy with tons of short thick branches. The great part about making a canopy type adenium bonsai is the more branches you have to fatter the caudex will become! Keep the plant short and remember to arrange the root system to spread out (see previous article).
Do not worry about flowers are this time. Your main goal is to create a bunch of branches with leaves. If the plant flowers it take energy away form the branch and leaf growing process. The leaves need nutrients so use the proper fertilizer on a bi-weekly basis during growing season.
I have a what supposed to be a white adenium that starts out white then turns a soft pink in 2-3 days. Other than it is supposed to be white, AND the many flowers it has three quarters of them have either brown edges or brown spots in the middle of the petal. The brown edges can be seen when it is a large pod even. I have sprayed for various insects though I don’t see any so I do so sparingly. Have good drainage soil and tons of pretty strong sun eight plus hrs a day.
Some leaf fall off but not drastic. Don’t know what else to say, so do you see any problem or issue I have to deal with?
The white turning to pink may be a lack of nutrients. The same holds true to the flowers with brown edges. This is the start of dormancy and leaves will fall off and flower swill not develop right on desert roses. Check again in spring and you may want to start using a fertilizer starting in February such as Dyna-Gro Grow.