Adenium cactus and succulent fertilizer what to use?

Question: Ok, thanks for that info, now one more question: should I order the Dyna-Gro Grow liquid fertilizer or the time release granular?  Thanks  Rose

Answer:   The two things most adeniums growers use is the time released or Dyna-Gro grow for after flowering and K-L-N when planting, transplanting, re-potting.  The K-L-N and Dyna-gro Grow is good for all plant types when planting, re-potting, etc.   Some client even use the K-L-N for two watering in January/February to promote root growth when cactus or succulent plants starting to get out of dormancy (we start in December in South Florida and northern areas do this in Feb/March once weather is above 50 degrees).

 If you are in a heavy rain area use the time released after flowering a 1 month before dormancy and K-L-N.  Otherwise use Dyna-Gro (one week of watering in June, July and August after flowering)  and K-L-N.

Miami is considered tropical and during the summer we can get 1” to 4” of rain every day from thunderstorms so the soil is leeched of it nutrients fast.  If we just use liquid we would need to constantly fertilize to get the plants to grow well.  We use the time released fertilizer for the adeniums twice a year,  K-L-N when planting/re-potting/etc (dip the plants into for about 20..30 minutes) and then Dyna-Grow grow on all out plants (I mean all types of plants) in December thru February our dry months when they come out of dormancy before they start to bud and bloom. Not everybody fertilizes like we do but the more consistent you are the faster and larger the cactus, succulents and your other plants will grow.

P.S.  I grow vegetables for family use (not to sell) and use Dyan-Grow 100% of the time. The vegetable plants consistently out perform my neighbors in yield, problem resistance and duration of season. Its the Micro and Macro nutrients that does it better than other products on the market.

6 Replies to “Adenium cactus and succulent fertilizer what to use?”

  1. I used orchid fertilizer for a year or two but as I now have about 20 Adeniums + 25 orchids this became a bit onerous every week. I now use a 6 month slow release fertilizer, thinking about recommencing with orchid fertilizer when growth slacks off.
    I live in Thailand so we don’t really have a real dormant season.

  2. Hi, when using the K-L-N for repotting a small adenium, you advise to dip the roots in the KLN for 20-30 minutes. My question is – do you dip the adenium into the concentrated solution right out of the bottle, or do you dilute the KLN with water like the instructions say? And if you dilute with water, how much water do you use and how much KLN do you put in it? Thanks!

  3. We are in Arizona and have just come out of our monsoon season and are heading into our cool dry season. One of our adenium now has a couple of yellowing leaves – considering it is our dry season now should we fertilize with the times release or the dynacare? Also what soil mix do you consider the best for adeniums?

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