Desert rose plants and see naming of hybrids is not a science. The shear number of bybrid adenium desert rose flowers names is daunting. If you are a collector of the desert rose, also called adeniums, then you know trying to keep track of the names is near impossible. Combine the names with flowers at look almost exactly the same but from different growers makes even more difficult. First a rose by another other name is not always the same. When growing adeniums desert rose plants by seed you are not guaranteed that the end flower will look exactly like the parent plant. This one way new flower hybrids are created. There are always variations in a plant just like sisters and brothers.
If you plant 20 seeds from the same mother plant of a hybrid then about 30% to 40% may look like the partner. Some may have slight differences and others big differences in the desert rose flower. Ok so how are desert rose adeniums plant flowers named? First, beyond the ones that naturally occur in nature, any grower can name a flower. There is no governing body or agency that controls naming desert roses flower types and hybrid plants. You will fine resellers use the same names as the growers but that there are no rules on adeniums flower names.
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