Now is a great time to bonsai your adenium before it gets too much leafage. here is South Florida Adenium growing is just about year round. Yes, during the winter months (if you can call 745 to 85 degrees winter) the desert rose plants do slow down. Depending upon your location now is the time to get ready for flowers and training your adenium. Not all adenium desert rose growers train their plant in a bonsai manor. However, if you want to create interesting shapes and even a canopy style adenium now if the time to wire up. special note DO NOT USE COPPER wire. Use aluminum bonsai wire which is easy to bend and will not cause plant discoloration as does copper.
Remembered when wiring branches to flow a certain way do it in steps. The older the adenium branch the harder its to shape and more likely to brake. Yes, when you bonsai adeniums you may even cut a branch completely off so several new branches spring up that you can shape the flow. Desert rose plants, adeniums, branches break easily so work be careful. when wire wrapping your adenium make is a loose wire wrap otherwise you risk damage to the branch or even anchor trunk of the adenium plant. Bonsai adeniums require patience and plant branch adjusting. During the growing season check the plants ever month or so to make sure the wire is not choking the branch on your Bonsai adenium. I will start to add images of wire wrapped adeniums and some already bonsai adenium plants in the near future. The adenium image on the left is a good start to bonsai style. The next time this desert rose plant its replotted the caudex will need some work. I would suggest to remove some of the roots so the plant its concentrates growth on 3..5 roots only to make the caudex fatter. Also, when this adenium bonsai I would cut the lower of the two branches so several now branches sprout out and then curve the remaining uncut branch back towards the pot center
I have 20-30 desert rose seeds that I planted (following appropriate steps and guidelines for adenium) and I was wondering when I should expect seedling emergence and when I should start to worry. I have never grown these before, and I got the seeds from Australia over the internet. Any help would be appreciated. thanks.
I usually seed the seeds sprouting within 5 to 7 days (sometimes less of the seeds are fresh). if they take over 10 days then you may have a bad batch of seeds. However, you need to keep them moist and warm. I would uses a spray bottle – water only – no fertilizer at all! I have used LED lights with great success (tri-band or quad band) with adenium seeds.
Thank you for your question.
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