It’s time to check your plants before summer gets into full swing!

Summer id here in all the southern states and very soon in the Northern states. It’s times time to check your desert rose plants. AdeniumRose Company nursery is in South Florida which means afternoon thunderstorms (tons of rain) just about every day, 90%+ humidity and temps in the 90’s! This is the time of year that you need to check you adenium plant soil to insure great drainage and apply fertilizer to the desert rose and other plants.
Summer rains leach out nutrients from the soil. In early May we spread time release fertilizer and now it’s time for a micro-nutrient boost so we are using Dyna-Gro grow with Dyna-Gro TekT to help the plant intake the nutrients and make the leaves more tolerant of water. The time release fertilizer is great as a general season long supply of three basic nutrients but it does not the macro and micro minerals to accelerate the adenium plants growth of thicker and healthier plants. If you have not looked at the site recently go to it and check out the link across the top that says “Growing Healthy Plants”.
Do you have to use the fertilizers to grow plants – no. However, there is a huge different in the health of the plants and speed of growing if you use the right fertilizers and nutrients. P.S. We use the Dyna-Gro Grow and TekT on all our plants not just the adeniums.
Cropping the branches:
Now is the time to crop your desert rose plants branches that are too long to help force the growth of a fatter caudex (exposed root system) and roots in most southern states since it past blooming time. If you are in an area that is getting rain, make sure you protect the cuts from water for 4..5 days to give the cut time to heal over. In Mid and Northern states the same applies to you if you already had a bloom or if you re-potted the pants 30 days or more ago.
Flower buds
We received several questions about adenium plant flower buds dropping and usually the questions were from areas that a strange winter/spring weather. Dropping desert rose plant flower buds (before flowering) is usually cause by three things: abrupt weather change for a few days (warm to cold), the plant not getting the right nutrients and/or fertilizing while the adenium buds are on the plant. Are there other causes – yes but these cover the majority of the loss of buds.
If you have any questions please post them here.
Thank you for you friendship and business Have a Happy Father’s Day and fantastic 4th of July in a couple of weeks.
I live in Fort Myers, should I apply time release fertilizer since rainy season will be starting? Is it too late to apply now? If I do use time release, will I over fertilize by also applying the Dyna Gro Grow and Protekt once a month?
Also, are 1 year old seedlings too young for time release fertilizer?
Thank you for the information.
Yes, it’s time to use the time released fertilizer. We did it last month and this weekend we are applying our first Dyan-gro with Tekt if we get a break in the rain. As you know it’s been raining every day for the past 1.5 weeks here and the weekend does not look better. People not in our are (south Florida) do not realize we are a tropical climate which means daily rain and when we say daily we mean it can be inches of localized rain every day. Rain that causes major floods other parts of the USA is just normal daily stuff here.
Mike, thanks for answering my question about you growing outside even if you get lots of rain. It tells me that desert roses can handle wet soil to some extent. This is very helpful information to me. Thanks again. Chuck
Damp soil not wet! You have to make sure the soil is very AIRY so the roots get oxygen, drains super fast and the soil does not crust over or have too much organic material that will retain/grow fungus.
In South Florida.. If I am using a time released fertilizer, how often to you recommend the Dyna-Gro Grow with Dyna-Gro TekT? Every other month?
We are currently using Dyan-Gro Grow and Dyna-TekT from June through October twice a month on the desert rose plants here in South Florida due to extremely heavy rains during this period whihc washes out all nutrients. After the heavy raining season we use it once a month until January. If I was in the desert areas with little rain I would use the same adenium fertilizer mixture right after the plant blooms until late August/September once a month. In the northern states where the growing season is shorted I would start using Dyan-Grow and TekT right after they bloom every other week until late August/September (once it starts to cool down but before Fall).
Im new to this. But I want to repot my adenium to a larger deeper pot. Im using a cacti soil w xtra perlite. And I filled the bottom half with rocks for better drainage. Im gonna soak the root in superthrive than plant it. I normally use 10-10-10 liquid and osmocote 14-14-14 slow release for yuccas, segos, pachypodium, cordyline and 3n1 rose fertilizer w pest control on succulents and cacti. I also have fish emulsion, and “grown more”” cactus juice. I have never used dyna gro products. What would you recommend. To consolidate these. As theres alot of plant foods, fertilizers
The problem with plants is that 10-10-10 and 14-14-14 are not balanced. Do not use fish and more grown. You are not using balanced fertilizers with proper micro nutrients. You are using to many things. Dyna-Gro Grow will work for all of them and its has the proper balance of micro-nutrients. If you use time released use one with the first number below 7 for succulents and cactus.
Sorry to mention my location from previous post. . I live in San fernando calif. 91340
I live in Massachusetts. I have two adenium roses that live inside. One plant is not doing too well. All the leaves are turning yellow, however they are not falling off. The plant is flowering. I used Dyna-GROW for the first time just last week.The large bottom part of the plant is showing some brown color.
Please tell me what I need to do so the plant will look healthier.
Good Afternoon: I sorry you are having problems with your plant. However, please review precious posts that says not to fertilize the adenium plants while in bloom. However, your description of the caudex (exposed roots) may indicate you have root rot due to wrong soil and/or over watering (if you have the right soil over watering would not be a problem). I would pull the plant out of the soil and check for root rot. If you have root rot you need to cut off all parts of the rot. Any part of the interior of the plant that so discoloration needs to be removed.
Four of our desert roses are blooming now, but the leaves are turning yellow with brown spots and are falling off. The new leaves come in green and in a few days turn yellow with brown spots. We have 8 desert roses and only 4 are blooming at this time. We live in southeast Texas. All are in mexican clay pots along with succulents which are doing great. Any ideas what is wrong?
Is there any water dripping on the plants? Brown spots can be cause by water staying too long on plants, not enough silica micro nutrients in the soil or a fungus. I would remove 100% o all the leaves (new and old). give a boost of fertilizer with the proper micro nutrients (Dyna-gro K-L-N). However, we are going into a dormant period of slow growth so it may take a few weeks to get new leaf growth.
One of my adendium rose plants has reddish purple stripes on the underside of the leaves. Is this ok? I have 12 of them. Live in Hawaii. This is the only one that has this.
Not all adenium leaves are green. Some are variegated. Are all the leaves the same or only one leaf on the plant?