Adenium cropping and late winter fertilizing

Adenium cropping and other questions form a client in Arizona:  Hi!  I’m a fairly new adenium grower ( I have five desert rose plants) in the Phoenix area. If I order a 3-in-1 plant, do the flowers bloom around the same time of year. Also, I see lots of colors on your your photo gallery. Do you have all those colors listed?

Adenium Cropping Time – Now?

I have plants that have multiple very leggy stems.  Is it a good time to do adenium cropping or should I wait?  I’m assuming I will lose all the blooms this year then?  I have my Adeniums under a covered patio right now… is March first safe to move them back to sunlight and is there a blooming fertilizer,user I should use? I have not fertilized them since November.

I’m sorry for all the questions but no one seems to know a thing about them around here.

Many thanks

Answers:   You can crop your desert rose plant branches once you start to see new growth or after flowering as long as you still have 2 months of growing season left. Remember, if you have a grafted adenium plant,  do not crop near the graft line or you may lose the hybrid flower type.

Adenium flower in your area form spring though early summer. Some colors take longer to bloom than others.

Currently, we only have the ones listed for sale are in stock.  We expect a 2nd release of more flowers varieties sometime in March. The photo gallery is used for reference.  We bring back favorites and hard to obtain such as the very ram/hard to propagate ram head/sheep horn adenium which we expect to release late this year.

great adenium fertilizer for blooms Fertilize after Adenium Cropping

We use Dyna-Gro Bloom in later winter (Jan through February). We switch to Dyna-Gro Grow in March.  Once the rainy season starts in June (we get tons of rain – it is not unusual to get 3..4 inches a day) we add time released 7-7-7.  Special note: Whenever we crop a desert rose or repot we always use Dyna-gro K-L-N rooting hormone. K-L-N excels in stimulation fine root growth and gives the plant with it needs to help reduce plant shock when reporting.

During the dormant (semi-dormant here in Miami) periods we use Dyna-Gro Grow once a month (Nov/Dec/Jan).  Your area has cooler winters so your dormant period maybe from November through February. I think we have 3..4 days below 50 degrees this year at night.

Use the top search block to enter search terms fertilizer and cropping for longer answers.

P.S.  Go USA Olympics!!!

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