Plumeria plants, when grown in the ground, vary in size and length of each segment. The plumeria plant segments on the dwarf plants are much shorter than on standard plumerias. The questions many people ask “is there a difference in the frequency of flowering or flower size”. Look at the two images of plumeria plant (trees).
The one with the pink plumeria flowers is a mature tree about 24 feet tall. The segments/branches are longer than the dwarf.

The dwarf plumeria plant image shows a full grown tree and has developed a canopy. The dwarf plumerias’ height is approximately 12 feet high and even wider. Notice the segments/branches are shorter but the flower size is very similar to a standard plumeria plant.
If you grow your plumeria plants in pots then it does not matter whether they normally grow to 25′ in the ground or not. Instead choose a plumeria flower color or fragrance you like. When growing a plumeria in a pot the segments of a dwarf will be shorter but only by about 20%. The pot will restrict the plants’ growth and the plumeria plant will adapt. We have both types growing in pots with many flowers every year. The standard plumerias grow a bit faster (taller) in the pots but both types flower without any problems.
When growing plumeria plants in a pot it’s important to remember to weigh down the pot because the plant will become top heavy since it grows a canopy. Use a pot that has holes in the bottom and AdeniumRose Company recommends that it is twice as deep as it’s wide. Plumerias do not like the cold so you will need to bring them in during the winter when the temperatures get below 55 degrees. During the growing season keep the soil damp but not wet. We use the same soil for our plumerias as we do for adeniums to prevent rot. The plumeria plant is a tropical plant that will handle tons of sun and rain.
Hi. I have a few plumerias, one is 2 years old and it has buds coming, the other 2 were purchased in Maui last summer. I would love to get dwarf cutting if they are available. The problem is I live on Vancouver Island in BC Canada. I had no trouble bringing the cuttings in from Hawaii, do you ship cuttings to Canada and do they make it successfully. I’d love to give them a try. I will keep mine potted to restrict their growth, I fear they will grow too big for my small house. I don’t want to lose them. I kept mine in my garage all winter, now I put them out in the sun in the day and bring them in at night. right now we are getting temperatures of 50f at night, it’s colder than usual. I am zone 7 – 8 here. Are there any hardy plumerias? I have a hardy gardenia and lots of hardy orchids.
Sorry we do not offer cuttings and we do not export outside the USA. With the right growing environment you can grow plumerias from cuttings. When we cut the cuttings from the parent plant we wrap the cut in plastic wrap, use a rubber band to hold the plastic wrap on and place the cutting inside in a corner someplace for 3..4 months (65 to 75 degrees) before we plant it. We want the cut healed very well and many times the plant has started to produce small roots.
Hi, where would i be able to buy some cuttings for the dwarf type? i live in the US.
Sorry at this time we do not have any plumeria stock.
Sorry we have move our nursery to NE Georgia and no longer carry Plumerias