Several clients have requested a list of hoya plant varieties in process of propagating or will be ready soon to be released. The rarest hoya plants are ones either hard to find, hard to propagate, very slow or difficult to grow. The hoya plants are offered based on rarity first and then size or age of the plant on the Epic Grower LLC website ( Here is a list of ones we are propagating, ready or growing to propagate at our South Florida nursery:
hoya alagensis, hoya Anulata, hoya australis ssp australia, hoya australis ssp tenipes , hoya blashernaezii, hoya caudata, hoya caudata sumatra, Hoya carnosa tricolor, hoya cumingiana, hoya cv jennifier, hoya cv routine, hoya cs optimistic, hoya darwinii, hoya dolichosparte pink, hoya elliptica, hoya erythrostemma “QSBG”, hoya flagellata, hoya forbesii, hoya glabra, hoya glabra schlechter 1908, hoya halconensis, hoya imperialis “white flower”, hoya imperialis red, hoya incrassata variegate, hoya lucardenasiana, hoya kenejiana red corona, hoya kenejiana variegata, hoya lacunosa, hoya lacunosa x obscura (cv sunrise), hoya lobbii “cream flowers”, hoya lobbii “dark red (black) flowers”, hoya macrophylla, hoya montana, hoya neo-ebudica, hoya pentaphlebia, hoya publicalyx red button, hoya publicalyx splash, hoya publicalyx silver, hoya Pink Archboldiana, hoya rigida, hoya rotundiflora (sp.square leaf), hoya sigillatis, hoya sp. chicken farm, hoya sp. miari jaya 58, hoya sp peral, hoya sp sarawak, hoya sp mari jaya 58, hoya sp phu wua, hoya sp pola.
We have representatives in Thailand/India/Japan/Africa sourcing rare hoya plants for us based on a list we give them and then our Thailand nursery specially grows the hoya plants from cuttings which we to transfer to our Miami location after they have a few small roots. Once we receive the hoya plant rooted cuttings (usually just 2..3 leaves) we grow the wax plants for several more months before we release them. Sometimes they only have one plant of a particular variety of a hoya plant to ship to us due to the plant either being very hard to propagate or hard to find. Yes, we have a few more varieties not listed at our Florida nursery we are working on growing plus we plan to get more hoya plants from Thailand in a couple of months to release next Spring.

Adenium Plants
We expect to release a the last 2016 Adenium plants including a few new varieties. Several of the new adenium plant varieties have flower recently (sunshine rays, jumbo size adenium white, rose white, and Stephanie). Also, a few Happy gold and Mia thing bloomed. I will update the website site with new adenium plant images this week. Sorry no more standard or large size 3-in-1 adenium plants this year beyond the few left on the AdeniumRose Company web site.
Included in the release will be several Jumbo plants with white flowers, violet flowers and yellow. Yes I believe there are a couple adenium plant 2-in-1 plants (3-in-1 if you grow let it grow below the graft lines). Please give me sometime to take images of the jumbo adenium plants.
I have just purchased an Adenium plant and want to grow it indoors with the help of a grow light . I live in the Palm Springs area and wonder if you could give me a schedule for feeding and watering . Planting season here is generally September October because planting in the Spring is too close to the extremely hot Summer . So should I treat September as Spring in this environment?
Each growing environment is different – even indoor ones. Now the adeniums are in dormancy or going into dormancy. I would not water the adenium plant more than once every 2 weeks. In the summer once a week.
Can you get me address . I whan come to see and buy
Thank you for your questions. We are currently leasing land from a wholesale palm nursery in Homestead Florida. Since it’s a wholesale nursery we are not allowed to do retail sales on site. Therefore, at the present time all our plant sales are through our website We do have several local clients who order the plants and then pick them up at our office (not nursery) in Miami. If you are local you can do the same and I can send you a FREE shipping coupon to use so you can pick up the plants at the office.
You will need to register with the site before I can send the coupon for free shipping so you can pick up the plants in our Miami (Doral) office.