Happy holidays and adenium plants coupons update

Happy holidays from Epic Grower Company.  I hope everybody had a fantastic Thanksgivings holiday. Now is the time to start thinking about taking care of your adenium plants to get then ready for spring and summer flowering. In all states of the USA the adenium plants should be either in very slow growth mode or dormant do to shorter days and cooler weather.

Even in South Florida the Adenium plants, desert roses, have lost many of their leaves and the succulent plants are growing very slowly now..  We have cut back on watering the adenium plants but still fertilize using Dyna-Gro grow and Dyna-Gro Pro Tekt once a month (alternate type of fertilizer every two weeks).  The reason we still fertilize during the slow growth period is because we do not want to shock the plants in the spring. People who start fertilizing their cactus, succulent plants right before growing season tend to shock their plants which sets them back about 3 weeks and cause leaf loss on desert rose plants. In colder climates where adenium plants may not grow at all during the winter use time release fertilizer or Dyne-Gro grow once a month. Be careful about over watering during winter months!

Just a reminder about current coupons available through December 31, 2014:

1. 10$ off coupon on on a minimum purchase of $50 to clients.  Code: Special10Coupon

2. Special 15% for orders of $60 or more.   Code: SPEC15%Holidays

3. Free shipping coupon. Good towards orders of $97 or more. SPECIAL NOTE on Free shipping: This coupon excludes Soil purchases and pots. If you add soil or pots to the order we will contact you and cancel the order sorry.

Only on coupon can be use at a time. You can use the coupons at the adeniumrose company website as many times as you wish until the expiration date.

Yes, we received a new shipment of adenium plants and plumeria plants which will be ready in a couple months. Also, if you looking for succulents and other cactus look for new cactus plant listings and succulent plants at the same time.  Thank you, stay safe and happy holidays from AdeniumRose Company.

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