Adenium plant, desert rose, new arrival late Summer from thailand

desert rose plant bonsia style grafted double flower
Petunia Adenium grafted double with stripes, desert rose

This adenium plant arrive in our Miami facility in late August. Its is being accumulated to our climate and will be available in a couple months for clients. It’s a three year adenium old plant with a 6 month old graft. The adenium flower is average size with two layers “double” of pedals. The pedals have great contrast which shows off the stripes the the light color throat of the adenium plant.

Desert rose plants flowers, common name for adeniums, now come in many colors, sizes and with unique character. You no longer need to settle for adenium plant flowers with shades of pinks, white or even single layer pedals. They now come in yellows, dark red, violet, with stripes, with veins, multiple pedal layers and various other variations.

If you are looking for unique adeniums grown to accent their colors and caudex then check out Epic Grower

Company. Contact them via email or through their new website that is expected to be up and running by December 2011 for on line ordering.  If you collect adeniums and needs tips on how to graft them or grow them by seeds book mark this blog for future articles and advice.

Adenium, desert rose, plants are becoming very popular and rival rose bushes in the quality of flowers. They are even ones with aroma!  The main different is that adeniums are easier to grow and have less problems than rose bushes plus they do not have thrones!

3 Replies to “Adenium plant, desert rose, new arrival late Summer from thailand”

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