Adenium plant desert roses growing fertalization of plants

This will be a short post on adenium plants, desert roses, growing tips concerning minerals and fertilizing the plants. There are many articles on how to fertilize your adenium plants and seedlings. Most articles say you do not need to fertilize much or if you do make sure the nitrogen level is very low.  What many of the adenium plant growing tips do not mention is the micro minerals you need to add to the soil if you are having problems blooming and if you have leaf discoloration. Not all cactus and succulent fertilizers are the same. Many do not include micro minerals all adeniums and other succulents need to produce flowers and green leaves.

Recently I have started to experiment with different fertilizers and micro-nutrients for my adenium plants – also know as desert roses. I started to added cold process seaweed extract and a root hormone to our regular fertilizer to see if the desert rose plant grows more flowers, produces richer green leaves and faster caudex growth. This is based on a recommendation from some Thailand growers.  This is a liquid not time release micro-nutrient supplement.  We will spray the base of approximately 50 adenium plants (control group) over the next four months (once every 3 weeks) to see if the adeniums grow faster or better than ones using our regular time released fertilizer. We will post updates to this experiment as the adenium plants growing progress.

4 Replies to “Adenium plant desert roses growing fertalization of plants”

  1. I have a desertrose plant that has sprouted a wing shape groth from one of the branches. It is about four inches long and the grouth is from both sides. What is it?

    1. Great you have a seed pod! If you have never tried to grow adeniums plants by seed then this is your chance. It will take a bit for the seed pod to be ready to harvest. You will need to watch it and as soon as you see it splitting open cut if off and collect the seeds. Most seed pods contain 20 plus seeds but the importation part is to wait for the seeds to full nature. If possible you can place a plastic bag around the pod to catch the seeds when it splits so you know the seeds are fully nature!

  2. Did you get good results from adding liquid micro-nutrient supplement to your fertilizer? That experiment was about 7 years ago – what have you learnt about that? Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

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