Adenium plant pruning and more on fertilizing

Question: Hello again, I ordered the violet Harry and fertilizer, soil, and pot. I’m
assuming since it is a hybrid that it is grafted in some way. Are the
grafted areas low enough for pruning? What happens if I cut below the graft?
Will the original flower grow from that stem? Also I saw that you use gro k
h l now instead of that other stuff when re-potting. I ordered some but was
wondering if it works the same way. Do you soak it in the gro stuff like you
would that stuff you used to use? Sorry I’ve had so many questions but I’m
excited and this should be the last one.

Answer: Yes the adeniums are grafted plants.  If you prune(crop) below the graft you will loose the hybrid adenium flower type. If branches grow below the graft then the flowers from those branches will be of the base adenium plant flower type. When pruning (Cropping) adenium plants you want to leave 2″ or more on the branch to give the plant room to grow new branches.

When you receive your adenium plants you will want to soak the plant (roots) in K-L-N (we use to use super-thrive but K-L-N does a better job) for 30 minutes.  Start using Dyan-Gro TekT in one month and then every other month. The adenium plant time release fertilizer should be applied twice a year: once after blooming and once right before the desert rose plant goes dormant.

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