Adenium plants desert roses species and basic information

Desert rose plants, adeniums, species: Adenium swazicum, Adenium somalense, Adenium arabicum, Adenium boehmianum, Adenium multiflorum, Adenium crispum, Adenium obesum. The adenium, desert rose, plants are now available in many spectacular hybrids. The plants are very similar in care as orchid plants and other succulents. They like to be crowed in pots to develop large caudexes (exposed root systems).

The main secret that you show know when developing a bonsai look for you adenium plant is to raise the roots a bit every time you re-pot to expose a portion of the old root above the soil line. In our area, many times we need to re-pot or raise the roots once every six months. On adenium seedlings we re-pot the plat at 3, 6 and 9 months. Then the adenium plants are re-potted every 6 months depending upon the plant development. Usually by 9 months the caudex is 1.5 to 1.5 inches in size (the caudex width) on desert rose seedlings.

In addition you will need some fertilizer to increase the root/trunk size of the adenium plant. Before applying the fertilizer to your adenium plant, water the desert rose plant it slightly to avoid burning of the roots and leaves.Look for other articles on fertilizer and how often to fertilize desert rose plants.

4 Replies to “Adenium plants desert roses species and basic information”

  1. Dear Salesadeniumrosecom,
    This question may be a little off-topic, If you’re looking for the best known rose today, you’ll hear about the knockout rose. Why is this variety so well known? These roses are resistant to many diseases unlike any other rose varieties. These incredibly resilient roses were developed in 1988 by a man named William Radler. It took Radler many years of testing, developing and perfecting this plant before he came up with this variety of rose.
    BTW great blogpost

    1. Many years ago I use to grow a variety of rose bushes, however, I switch to cactus and succulents so I do not of the best current rose bush varieties. Adeniums are called desert roses do to their flowers that are as beautiful like rose bush flowers. Plus, the new hybrid adenium plants have flowers that rival rose bush multi-layer pedals and colors. The only thing lacking with the adenium desert rose plants is the aroma which several people are trying to cultivate desert rose plants to have a aroma. The advantage to adenium plants are their natural bonsai look and they are very easy to grow. Thank you for your comment!

  2. Hello, i recently got into growing Adeniums and late spring i purchased two. One of them flowered once, a single flower and that was it. I don’t know what soil i should use according to my area, i live in new york city, my adeniums get a lot of sun outside in the yard. Maybe my soil is wrong? and now that it’s winter i’m really lost on how to take care of them.
    Love your blog, it really does help a lot.

    1. Great adeniums will grow just about anywhere if proper care is take. You will need to bring your adenium plant inside when the temperature gets below the 50-45 degree range or when your rainy season starts. Remember, adenium plants are succulents so they need fast draining soil, sun and warmth. Here is South Florida our rainy season is during the summer (we had over 90 inches of rain this season almost a record) but its hot so the fast draining soil we use dries fast! Our winters are very dry so we water the adenium plants during the winter months about 2..3 times a week. You have the opposite problem cold and wet winters. Your winters are too cold and wet to keep them outside.

      There are several post on this blog about the soil content. May people in the northern states, Canada, and other colder climate areas bring the desert rose plants inside under grow lights. You can get regular glow bulbs that fit in most light fixtures or try the LED 4 phase lights that work well when growing adeniums (use use them when growing from seeds until they are 3..4 months old).

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