There is confusion concerning adenium plant flower names in the market. Many growers in Thailand and other parts of the world do not conform to any standards in naming adenium desert rose plants flowers. Plus, many adenium hybrid lowers look very similar but are different due to size difference, slight pedal shape and even leaf shape or size difference.
Here on this post are two different named adenium plant flower hybrids one called white house and the other Nafta. If you look quickly they will like almost like the same adenium desert rose plant.
However, if you look closely at the Adenium plant White House triple layer white flower the pedal shape of the adenium plant you will see a different in how the pedals are layered and the edges. Now this is not to say that many growers use different names for adenium flower types. If you look on ebay you will see the exact same flower with different names from different growers.
The AdeniumRose company uses the name provided by the actual grower (Nursery) of the plant. The only time we modify the name is when a name conflicts with USA trademark and copyright laws: Case in point: there is a adenium plant sold by many Thailand adenium plant growers name “Lady Gaga” which I know is a trade marked name by the performer. I know they did not get permission to use her name on the desert rose plant so we renamed the desert rose plant to Lady Gatong.
Over the past year we only renamed a plant 3 times due to conflicts with other names given by growers of adenium plants. Yes, we keep a image and name log on all names to make sure we are consistent with the desert roses.
Kindly sent a copy of catalogue of the adenium flowers to me.And some specimen for the seeds.
Good Day: AdeniumRose Company LLC does not have a printed catalog. All ordering and current products are listed on our website hgttp://www.adeniumrose.com
Also, we do not offer adenium seeds due to the unreliability of the seeds to produce the same type of flowers as the mother plants.