Adenium Watering Winter

Winter adenium watering question received concerning using ice. During dormancy, desert rose plants need water but at a greatly reduce rate. The client purchased a desert rose which arrived mid- December. Late December, the client soaked the root and then planted in cactus soil with the added 10% small pebbles. On February 1st, the client placed approximately 10 ice cubes around the dormant plant. Today the client noticed the once healthy trunk is now shriveling and feels soft. “I live in Cleveland OH and the room temperature goes down to 55 at night. Before I order another one, do you have advice on what I did wrong? Thank you for your time.”

Limited adenium watering during dormancy

Answer: These are desert plants that experience dormancy during cooler/colder months. Using ice to water them is not a good idea.   55 degrees is OK during dormancy. We recommend keeping desert roses above 40 degrees during dormancy.

However, ice can can damage to the trunk/roots and usually does not provide deep watering the plant requires.  Let the plant dry our between watering. Then water until if flows out the bottom of the pot.  It does need direct sunlight during dormancy.  If next to a window – does the plant actually see the sun or is it indirect light? 

If soft, but not spongy, then increase the watering and place is a warmer place if possible.

Second Reply concerning the Desert rose

The plant seems spongy not just not soft. It does receive direct sunlight through a window.

Second reply: Spongy is an indication of damage caused by either root rot (See other articles) or environment damage due to the ice. First, check for root rot. If you do not see root rot then only time will tell. We recommend that you increase the temperature to 75 or above to try to bring it out of dormancy. Once out of dormancy the plant may heal itself.

Sunlight through a window during dormancy is good for adenium plants. However, make sure the winter cold does not pass through to the plant.

2 Replies to “Adenium Watering Winter”

  1. Hello, My adeniumrose is house plant, I live in Michigan. Dormancy during Winter now new leaves appearing. Problem tips leaves brown then whole leave brown and falling off. Too much water 💧 or too little or what’s happening. Thank you Mary

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