It has been a busy summer growing the adenium desert roses plants. In the past two months our nursery has received daily heavy rain except for 4 days. We are not taking about a drizzle or a shower. These are heavy thunder storm down pours and in some days over 2″ of rain in a couple hours! Anyway, we are a bit behind in expanding the growing area due to the weather. AdeniumRose Company is receiving a large shipment of adeniums plants and 7 varieties of euphoria milii “Crown of thorn” plants late tomorrow.

In this shipment will include several new adenium plant hybrid and some high demand desert rose plants we have seen since our last years 2011 late summer shipment (purple rain, jumbo Santa, phamtuna, dang tealwada and others). Go to our photo gallery for more images.
The euphoria milii will be a great addition to the nursery and the shipment will include 7 varieties including several striped ones. Plus, one blue which is very rare and unusual for a crown of thorn plant.

Here is the image of the euphoria milii crown thorn blue flowering succulent plant. The image seems a bit dark so we expect the actual color of the crown of thorn plant to be a medium blue instead of the royal blue pictured here. When we take the actual photos of the crown of thorn plant we will post an update.
Also, we recently added prickle pears plants with many different color flowers. They are not listed on the AdeniumRose Company website yet, but will be in a couple of months. No, we are not offering prickly pear cactus pads but very well rooted plants. Colors of the cacti prickly pear are yellow, cream, white, peach, red, orange and other colors. Yes, there will be beaver tail plants too! We already haev a few bloom and the images will be posted in a few weeks of the succulent cactus.
please send me info on the …………euphoria milii “khuraspain” blue flower succulent
Do you have it available for sale??????
Please see our website photo gallery. We do not have any in. We have requested them several times but have not received them yet.
Is the euphoria milii “khuraspain” blue flower available for purchase?
No sorry
please send me info on the …………euphoria milii “khuraspain” blue flower succulent
Do you have it available for sale??????
I plant to take the image off the site. The image was from Thailand of a shipment were were suppose to receive but never received. I have never seem a blue euphoria milli so we were excited to order some in. We are still hoping but non-yet. Sorry
i would like to buy the khuraspian “blue” succulent plant.
Sorry but we do not have the Khuraspin blue. We have ordered them twice but the supplier always says they do not have any. I think its a myth. Blue euphoribia milii plant.
Were u located
We are located in Miami-Dade area (South Florida).
Do you ship the plant
yes – go to our website We ship throughout the USA and PR. We are not site up to ship out of the country. thank you
We ship plants from our website
thank you
So how much for the plant
Please go to for adenium plants available at this time.
I did does not appear
What does not appear??
The price so can u give me the price please
Good Day: Please go to our website for adenium prices and which desert rose plants are in stock.
Look are u going to give the price or what if not il just go some were else or give me a phone number were I cam contact u
Go to the website for pricing. Our office hours for phones calls M-f 7:30 amt to 4pm eastern standard time.
AdeniumRose Company LLC.
What’s your phone number
Please request phone number from the Adeniumrose site.
I would like to buy a blue crown of thorns. Can you tell me where I can get one please.
the blue crown of thorns was never received and I believe its one of those Thailand things to get people to order them but they are not to be found. we have the image on the website waiting foe somebody to say they have one to see if we can find the source.
Hi, I saw that you do not have the euphoria Milli “khuraspain” blue flower succulent available on your website. Can you please let me know when you have it available. I would really love to order it. Thanks
We have not had the blue euphoria Milli flowers. We have order them several times but never receive them. I think its a Thailand myth.
I will like to know if you have it for I could purchase one thank you
What plant are you interested in obtaining?