Adeniums, succuletns and other flowering plants not flowering growing

Succulents, cactus and other plants need nutrients. However, due to soil conditions, amount of light they receive and other issues they may not have the ability to adsorb the right nutrients. If you move your plants from inside to outside more than twice a year, received too light light or has irregular watering cycles then they will get stressed.  Or if your plant does not bloom even when you give it the proper blooming fertilizer then the lack of silicon may be the problem.  All these factors stress the plant

Silicon is an element that is often overlooked in plant nutrition. Pro-TeKt® provides supplemental potassium and silicon in an easy to use liquid concentrate. Benefits of silicon include greater tolerance of environmental stresses and mineral toxicity or deficiency. Silicon deposited in cell walls forms a Pro-TeKtive barrier, defending your plants from water loss due to high temperatures. The increased strength of cell walls also results in drastic improvement of stem and branch strength. Since, silicon is rapidly bound in leaf tissue and deposited in a non-translocatable form within 24 hours of uptake, a continuous source of soluble silicon throughout the plant’s life is very important.

If your plant tends to get less sunlight than it should or it fails to respond to blooming fertilizers then use Dyna-Gro TekT which helps the plant to intake vital nutrients along with either Dyna-Gro Grow or Dyna-Gro bloom.

Most store bought fertilizers are lacking many micro-nutrients.  We highly recommend the following with micro-nutrients:  Use Dyna-Gro K-L-N when potting or re-potting. Also, spray the caudex (exposed roots) with Dyna-Gro K-L-N twice a year. Then use either Dyna-Gro Grow 7-9-5 every other month when you water or time released 6-6-10 (see the website) twice a year. The first number is important – low nitrogen of the right type but is only part of the story! Peters®, Miracle-Gro®, Schultz® and others use wrong type of nitrogen type that can burn roots! Plus they are missing many vital micro-nutrients!  Then use TekT in combination with the other Dyna-Gro products if your plant stresses or gets too little sunlight!

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