How to grow Echeverias plants and succulents

Echeveria afterglow great contrast blue pinkish red leaf tips
Echeveria afterglow great contrast blue pinkish red leaf tips

Echeverias, not to be confused with chick and hen succulents grow great in rock gardens, containers and in some parts of the USA in the ground. They do tolerate cold better than some varieties of succulents. Echeverias grow into magnificent plants with a very wide variety of leaf types – some very colorful.  Vary Echeverias such as truffles or giant blue will get large and create a fantastic center pieces that are used florists for weddings and other occasions.

Echeverias succulents are easy to grow as long as you treat them properly. Just like any flowering succulent, the soil must be porous and we do advise using sand because most sand retains water. It highly advised that you put a layer of rock between the soil mixture and the leaves to prevent left damage and left rot. Older leaves will dry up and fall off from the bottom up.  The soil mixture you use for adeniums and other succulents will work great when growing Echeverias. Do not use potting soil or soil that contains peat; if at all possible coir is better. Make sure the soil is drying out before each watering just as you would with any succulent.  Look for echeveria hybrids from AdeniumRose Company in march including rare,extra large blue giant, neon breaker and others succulents.

Echerveria flowering succulent
Echeveria Ruffle extra large plant with colorful ruffles as it gets bigger

The pots should have drainage holes (put a rock over the holes so it does not get full of dirt).  Most people growing succulents like to use ingredients like perlite, pumice, scoria, gravel, coir and other material.

When you water always try to prevent watering leaves if at all possible or insure that the water either evaporates or rolls of the leaves to prevent leaf discoloration.  Just like succulents Echeverias does not like standing water on them.

New adenium plants flower succulents starting to bloom


New adenium flowering succulent plant hiphob. Medium size desert rose flower.
New adenium flowering succulent plant hiphob. Medium size desert rose flower.

Spring here in Southeast Florida is here even while the northern states are still getting  the snow. The adenium plants, desert roses, received in November and some received in late December are already starting to bloom. Many new adenium hybrids haev arrived for spring and now it the time to get yo plants ready.

You need to start watering a bit more and maybe give some blooming fertilizer like Dyna-Gro Bloom which is low in nitrates great for all flowering cactus and succulents to get them to bloom in spring (perfect for other flowering plants too).  Remember do not give any fertilizer while the desert rose plants have flowers or flower buds otherwise you will loose the flowers!

If you are in the southern states such as Texas, New Mexico, Florida, Southern California and similar states where the air temperature is staying above 50-55 degrees at night then water the adeniums plants 2 times a week making sure the soil dries between watering. if you are seeing new leaves do not wait to fertilize because the bubs will be right behind – do it now.

Desert rose plant baby bengy pink on pink!
Desert rose plant baby bengy pink on pink!

Use Dyna-Gro Bloom for 2..3 weeks checking to make sure you do not see buds and then switch to just regular water with no fertilizers. AdeniumRose Company did this in early January and now many of adenium plants are blooming now!

After your plants are finished blooming add some time released fertilizer and then right before winter, depending upon the amount of rain you received over the summer give the desert rose plants, cactus and other succulents plants another tablespoon of time released fertilizer.

Short note on when to change pots if your plants are getting big. Wait until after they bloom then re-pot them. when you re-pot them dip them in a rooting hormone such as Dyna-Gro K-L-N to give them a boost to help prevent plant transplanting shock. (yes, we do this and the leaves really take off!)

Bonsai adeniums and miniture gardens zen gardens

Miniature gardens and bonsai garden
Miniature gardens and bonsai garden

Great addition to any garden are accents to potting arrangements. Long time favorite for bonsai and cactus gardens are China handmade from special clay mudman.

Look at the fantastic detail all hand produced and painted from famous refined Chinese mud, glazed and then kiln fired.

These figures adds creativity realism to your bonsai plants and succulent decorative pots. Whether you add a fisherman, China wise man or even a village hut these creatives a story and gives your plant arrangements a realistic quality.

In Chinese society the fisherman represents one of the four basic pursuits, along with farmer, scholar, and woodcutter. In Chinese the word for fish is a homonym for wealth or abundance, so the fisherman can have a greater symbolism of self-reliance and seeking fortune.

When you create your minute garden scene create balance between the size of the plants and the accessories. Whether you add miniature garden figures, huts, walls or other cactus garden accents it gives your arrangement life!

Desert rose plant flowering succulents blooming now – switch to Dyna-gro K-L-N

Great root fertilizer when plant re-potting
Great root fertilizer when plant re-potting

Question by a client:  will you have blooming desert rose plants this summer to offer?

Answer:   All the adenium plants offered by AdeniumRose Company except for the seedlings are mature blooming size plants. Here is South Florida we are already getting some desert rose blooms and it’s only February.   Many of our customers are purchasing adenium plants now so they will  bloom by summer.   All the desert rose plants are shipped bare root and with few leaves (to help prevent shock) so they will need time to recover.  We recommend that you soak them dyna-gro in k-l-n before planting to give them a boost. Then in late March add time released fertilizer unless they start budding and then wait until after they flower or use Dyna-Grow. Many times adeniums will flower before leafing out.

We tested this against other rooting compound on half of our last order of adeniums from Thailand and now we switch to Dyan-Gro K-L-N for all our plants as of 2014 instead of Super-Thrive! Not only does it work great but it’s much less expensive than Super -Thrive! Go to the Epic Grower Company website site for more information on all Dyna-gro products under supplies!

A healthy plant starts with a healthy root system, and healthy root systems start with K-L-N Rooting Concentrate. K-L-N is a vitamin-hormone and nutrient solution proven to promote vigorous root development on cuttings, transplants and newly potted plants. In addition to vitamin B1, K-L-N contains both IBA and IAA rooting hormones to kick your plant’s root growth into high gear. K-L-N makes propagating cuttings incredibly simple. K-L-N is also perfect for use throughout the plant’s life to promote new root growth and reduce transplant shock when re-potting.

All you up north please send a bit of your cold down south. Anyway, I hope everybody in the upper 49 states stay safe with the winter storms this year (bit of news Florida is the only start without snow – even Hawaii has snow someplace). Special note we are shipping the adenium plants and other flowering cactus/succulents plants with 72 warmers.  We ship the desert rose plants on certain days of the week to try to keep the plants from staying over in a UPS or USPS warehouse over weekends.

adenium plant growing cold weather and possible moisture problems

Q: I purchased nine adeniums Nov 2013. All were in great shape. I planted them up and have had them indoors in front of a window and all have stayed dormant with very little watering. But one Dang Dream has begun to rot from the top down to near the caudex now. I lifted it out of the soil to see if the roots are effected and they are in good shape. Can I save the plant at this stage or will it continue to rot. This is all new to me and certainly may have caused this problem.

Answer:  It’s call tip rot and doesn’t happen usually in the winter on adeniums unless they get too cold.  I wish you caught it before it progressed down towards the caudex.  It can be caused by too much cold and/or too much moisture on the leaves/branches with not enough light.  You need to get rid of all the rot.  Many times the desert rose plants will survive even if you go down to the caudex area. Did you use superthrive before planting?   By any chance do you have a lamp near the plants?  Maybe give the adenium plants a boost (more light) – get a growing light on eBay for a few dollars and give them stronger light if you can so they leaf out.  What part of the country are you in?  If you are in the north where you get freezing temperatures then the window maybe too cold  for too long for the adenium plants.  Once the adeniums are established in an area (go through one good growing season)  they have less problems.

fertalizing adenium plants and when to prune/crop them

Q: I  just purchased 2 adeniums and fertilizer from AdeniumRose Company.  One large mystery and one large not proven. I live in Phoenix, AZ. Can you send me instructions on how to care for my new plants?  Should I dip them in root thrive before planting them?  Should I not fertilize until the fall?  Also, I have another “rescue”an adenium at home that I have not seen flower.  I have re-potted and watered once.  When can I prune it?

 Thank you so much for your help.  Very excited to receive my new plants!

A: Good Morning:Yes we received the order and instructions sheets will be in the shipping packet.  First, I assume the one that has not bloom is at least 3 years old. I would recommend to give it a bloom booster liquid fertilizer starting next month.  In your area they should bloom in April to June time frame depending upon your winter weather. If you are having a longer winter wait until March. Make sure you do not water it for a week before you give it the bloom booster.

Yes we recommend using super thrive when you re-pot the desert rose plants. Soak then in the liquid for 20 to 3 minutes.  Follow the directions on how to mix super thrive.  We just received a new shipment from Thailand two weeks ago and they are already starting to leaf. If we did not use super thrive it would take twice as long for the adenium plants to recover from the shipping and re-potting.  Also, when you re-pot its a great time to check the adenium bonsai root look and make adjustments.

After the adenium obesum pants bloom give them a time released fertilizer low nitrogen and phosphate such as the one you ordered time released 8-9 on our website.  Do not prune the desert rose plants until after flowering season or you will not get flowers in spring.  If you prune the adenium plants now it will take time for the to recover, grow new branches and then flower.

Adenum plants create a bonsai caudex for desert rose plant

Recently several people asked about how to create interesting adenium plant exposed roots (caudex) on their desert rose plants.  First, the adenium plants will grow interesting caudex over time, however, they look can be approved by using standard bonsai methods.  The best time to work on your adeniums plants root structure is when you re-pot the plant.

The first step when re-potting a adenium plant is to force the roots to spread out. Your desert rose bonsai plant roots are flexible but be careful not to break them. Since the roots will be under ground do not use bonsai wire because you will be able to tell if they are causing damage. Instead cut a ping ball in half to be placed under the roots you want to spread out. The roots will not be able to go straight down and will be forced to go around the plastic ball.  You can use other plastic objects besides ping pong balls for your adenium plant bonsai shaping.

Make sure your pot is not too large but give roots of the adenium plant have around 2″ to spread out as they grow until the next re-potting.  Depending upon your growing environment you should re-pot at least once a year to check the growth of the roots of the desert rose plants.

To help the growing of the caudex you will need to crop your branches to keep them shorter.  When you crop a branch,the cropped branch of the desert rose plant  will be replaced by 2..3 branches 95% of the time if the plant is getting enough light.  As more branches grow so does the roots which makes the plant grow faster too!  Make sure you use the right adenium plant fertilizer and soil mix.

Blooming adenium plants and succulents – how to get them to bloom

Question: Not a one of my desert roses bloomed.   They had pretty leaves but that’s all so still don’t know what they look like .  The soil I used cause the adenium plants to have a brown ring at dirt level.  Hope you have a very Merry Christmas, Regards, Lewis

Answer/reply:    Adeniums are spring/early summer bloomers. Be careful of the brown ring which indicates too much water sitting on top of the soil. Make sure the adenium plant roots/caudex are not getting rot do to the water.  I would give them a bloom booster for one month before spring in your area.  Do not water the desert rose plant for 1 full week prior to the bloom booster. Then add the booster to your regular watering (like a 10-30-20 water based fertilizer)  for the next 2..3 weeks twice a week.  Do not over water because you want the plants to be a bit thirsty so they soak up the bloom boosting fertilizer.   The higher phosphate (the 2nd number in the 10-30-20) promotes blooms.  Have a fantastic holiday and New year!  Mike



Adenium plants, Desert rose plants bare root care and growing tips

Question: December19, 2013 – The Desert Rose plant what size container will they be shipped in and do they have buds are flowers now? If not when will they be blooming.

Answer:  The desert rose plants is a spring to early summer bloomer depending upon your climate. The adenium plants are not shipped in a container. They are shipped barefoot which means no soil.  Desert rose, Adenium, plants are succulents that are desert water thrifty plants.  Cactus and succulents are dormant during the winter months and then leaf out during spring (in southern states they leaf out late winter) before they flower. However, many times Desert Rose plants will flower before leafs develope depending upon the amount of water they receive and nutrients in the soil.

People grow adenium plants throughout the USA and people in the North learn that they need to be protected from cold. If you are familiar with growing other succulents or cactus type plants then you will do well with these desert rose plants.

  During the winter months AdeniumRose Company LLC ships the adenium plants with 72 hour warmers to help protect them from the freezing cold weather.  They are not flowering now and if they were they would lose the flowers during shipment.  Most collectors obtain their desert rose plants in fall and late winter so the plants are ready for blooming in a couple months if treated right.  Customers in the southern states (FL, GA, Al, MS, LS, TX, NM, AZ, Southern CA) buy year round due to their more temperate climates.

     AdeniumRose Company is based in Miami Florida which is a topical climate. The plants do go semi-dormant (grow slower) and lose some of their leaves but not all because of our extreme southern location.  Our tropical  location makes it a great place to grow desert rose plants for our USA clients. example: We obtain a shipment of adenium plants in late September (potted last week of September) and all the adenium plants have tons of leafs. Plus, two of the adenium plants varieties flowered already.

    The plants in the AdeniumRose Company nursery are grown in open are not under nursery nets which makes the adenium plants stronger (weak ones die) but we have less control of when they bloom. In most areas the USA, the adenium plants will start going dormant in October – November time frame and lose their leaves but not in south Florida.

P.S: We are receiving another shipment this weekend from Thailand ans should be ready in 3 months just in time for spring!

Adenium fertilizer when to use liquid to increase blooms

Question: Do you have the 10-30-20 fertilizer at Adeniumrose Company

  We use a time release 8-9 month formula yearlong for the adenium plants and use 10-30-20 liquid soluble when we want to induce blooms.  the time released used as our adenium fertilizer (solid pellets the releases nutrients over a period of time) controls the release of nutrients of a period of 3 months and its is the perfect all around low nitrogen fertilizer for adeniums and in the future we will offer the water soluble to induce blooming.

 When you want desert rose plants to bloom in Spring you want to use a liquid adenium fertilizer BEFORE THEY HAVE BUDS (around January/Feb in your area). Use a mix like Dyna-Gro Bloom starting 1 month before the adenium plants comes out of dormancy and continue it until you see either small buds growing or until you see 4..5 new leaves on the desert rose plant.