AdeniumRose Hurricane Irma Update and sale

3-Day Adenium Special Sale

Adeniumrose Company 3-Day Large size Adenium plant sale starts tomorrow. Please note – we only have a limited number of 3 and 5 packs available so if you want large adeniums at standard or lower prices then Friday September 20, 2017 morning 7:30 Eastern time is the time to act.

Status of AdeniumRose Company Nursery

AdeniumRose Company along with 78% of the Miami metro area is out of power (about 2 million customers). This post was dictated to a friend in another state to post it.  AdeniumRose Company will not be shipping adeniums, hoyas, any plants or products until next week.  USPS/ and/or UPS are not operating as of this morning.  Most phone and internet services are out due to no power and/or damage.

The nursery is in a mess.  90% of the plants in moved to a warehouse before the hurricane but the growing beds, racks, etc. need to be fixed.  AdeniumRose Company will be working on getting back up this week, fixing things damaged, etc. after checking/helping friends and family first.

As long as Hurricane Jose stays away, AdeniumRose Company plans to start shipping next Monday 18th September.   Many areas will be without power for weeks and it will take a while to clear streets of debris so people can get around safely.

Plant Inventory And Sales

We will do a complete adenium plant and hoya plant inventory as we put the AdeniumRose nursery back outside.  There will be a sale on the large adeniums as stated on Facebook but it will not start until this Friday.  Hoya varieties will be added to the inventory and other plants. Expect to start Hoya auctions again starting on Sunday.

adenium arabicum plant
Adenium arabicum plant available soon at AdeniumRose Company

AdeniumRose Company received a large shipment of 3-in-1 plants two weeks ago which we plan to release in 2..3 months for spring blooming.  Yes some awesome looking Arabicum adenium plants were in the shipment.  The 3-in-1 and the arabicum are larger plants in with caudexs of 4″ to 8″. The release of the arabicums is planned at the same time as the 3-in-1 adenium plants.  Arabicums are the adenium plants that produce super wide caudexes with tons of branching.  Adenium arabicum plants Tare the ones that Thailand growers use in award competitions.

I wish everybody in the affected areas quick recovery.  Please note we will not be able to respond to emails or questions on the blog quickly until power is restored.

Adenium seedlings growing Desert Roses

Q; I received my order last Friday, and all the adenium seedlings plants are in great shape, thank you very much for your quick shipping of my order. I noted there are total of 7 instead of 6 plants, and I believed the 7th plant was a surprise gift from you and its shape also looks different than the other 6. My wife told me she likes the shape of the extra plant better than the 6 that I ordered because it looks like a bonsai type of Desert Rose that she loves. My curiosity was what is the name of that Desert rose that you sent us as a gift.  Do you have a sample picture of the flowers it produces?  We are just Desert Rose newbies. We also have another plant which is much more mature and we plan to re-pot and to crop it to a shorter shape with a hope it will produce more branches next year.  Should we crop and re-pot at the same time or we should do them in two separate times?  How long should we wait if we have to crop and re-pot at two separate times.

Growing adenium seedlings questions answers
desert rose plant seeds
Wide striped adenium flower from seedling

Answer:  The larger adenium seedling you received is the splash seedling (see image to the left).   Its really not a seedling anymore due to age and size but all seedling orders get at least one of those.

Answer two (large adenium):    If you have more than 2 months of growing season left then crop the desert rose plant BEFORE re-potting.  Adenium plants (desert roses) will grow fine in a crowded pot so its OK to leave them in a while longer to give time for the cropped branches to sprout more branches.  Once the new adenium plant branches are one inch or longer then repot.

Summer is here time to use fertilizer your plants

Fertilizer is not just to replenish depleted soil. It also protects your plants by giving then the right nutrients.  Now is a great time to review your fertilization schedule of your adenium, hoya, plumeria and other plants.  Summer rains drain the soil of nutrients the plants need and the only way to replenish the soil is by fertilizing.  Now is the time to use the time release 7-7-7 fertilizer (good for 3 months) and Dyna-Gro Grow (twice a month) unless you just potted the plants.  When potting plants give the adenium, hoya or plumeria plants a root rich nutrient fertilizer such as Dyna-Grow K-L-N. Give another dose of the root fertilizer (hormone) two weeks later and then 4 weeks after planting. After a month add the plants to your regular fertilizing schedule.

Adenium Seedling and fertilizer for seedlings

fertilizer for desert rose seedling plants
Don’t use fertilizer until seedlings are 6 months old

AdeniumRose Company just release a new batch of seedlings (red, white, Picohee and splash). If you are an experienced grower of adeniums or want to try your hand in growing young plants this is a great time to get them.  Three discount specials were just added to for the 6, 12 and 18 packs of adenium desert rose seedlings.  Also, if you have never grafted an adenium plant these seedlings will make a great base in a couple years or graft them on your already existing desert rose plant.  One seedlings we use Dyna-Gro Grow fertilizer every watering. Also, we do set aside a few and use Dyna-gro bloom fertilizer once they are 6 months old to check he flower type consistency.  Yes, seedling as young as 7 months can bloom if you give them fertilizer a boost!

Are you a hoya collector?  They make great in-door or covered patio house plants. Hoyas have a wide variety of leaf colors, shapes and very interesting flowers.  The hoya plants are easy to grow and the 3 pack is a great way to start a collection!

Plant Auctions

Many clients know that we do offer plants on Etsy, Bonanza, EBay beyond the site.  The site has the widest variety of plants and you can use coupons. However, on eBay we do Hoya auctions of special plants that are extra large or very limited in availability.   We are growing over 70 different varieties of hoyas and continually seek out new rare varieties.   Yes, we trade hoyas too if its something we can propagate for future release.  Send us your wish list and we will try to source them.

If you have questions please visited just post the question below one of the articles and we will reply.  Please do not send questions to our email address.

From all of us have a great July!

AdeniumRose Company LLC

Hoya plant, wax plants, propagating

Recently several clients received wax plants (hoya plants) with very long vines.  One of the best ways to propagate wax plants is from a growing vine without cutting the vine first.  It’s the dip the vine in dirt method which is easy and usually 100% successful.  This method of propagate is for wax plants  you already own.  Yes, you can air layer long hoya plant vines too, however, it takes longer and you need to make sure the area stays moist.  We use three methods of propagation of hoya plants:  air layer, vine dipping and cuttings planting.  By far the best way is to use wax plant vine dipping.

The only problem with vine dipping is that you need room in the same pot as the parent plant.  Yes, you can stretch the wax plant vine into another pot, however, now you have two pots to water.

How to Propagate Wax plants From Vines

How to do it step by step:  1) Get a piece of wire about 6..8 inches long an bend into a U-shape to hold the vine in the soil or a rock with enough weight to  keep the vine in contact with the soil, 2) Select a vine section with at least 3..4″ of length beyond where you want to create the new plant.   3) Place/dip the wax plant vine in or on top of the soil in the same pot as the parent plant. Do not cut the vine! 4) Use the wire or rock to hold down the hoya plant vine and 5) wait a couple months for roots to grow.

It’s simple and easy.  Plus, its 100% successful as long as your main plant is healthy.  The actual time it takes the hoya plant to grow roots will depending upon the season and size of the parent plant.  Consider using fertilizer, such as, Dyna-Gro Gro and even use Dyna-Gro K-L-N the first month.

Spider mites on adeniums plants plant problems

Adenium spider mites problem

Q:   I have a question about spider mites. I have about 50 desert roses some I received from you and some from other growers. They are all dropping leaves and I can’t figure it out. At first I thought maybe it was because I wintered them in my plant house with a constant 70 degree temperature and they are now shedding their leaves. But I’m noticing that even the new leaves coming out are turning yellow and dropping off. I’ve pulled several out of their pots to check for rot rot, but all looks good. I pay special attention to how much water they get and check them weekly. I’ve had an issue with keeping spider mites off them (which is a constant challenge). I know that they can cause leaf drop. Is there a soil drench that can be used to help with that? What do you use? So, with this information, what do you suppose is going on? Thanks

Problem resolution

A:   We rarely have problems at our Epic Grower LLC nursery with spider mites on the adeniums.  Usually leaf drop off is due to watering and/or nutrient problems in the soil.  Mites will suck nutrients out of the adenium leaves and cause drop. We use Bryer and Nutra products on the desert roses when we see a problem.

If you suspect mites to be a problem I would remove all dirt and leaves to start fresh on all plants. Use a paint brush or similar brush to remove dirt from the adeniums roots. Spry them (roots and all) with Bryer for 3 days before potting.  Then give them a boost using Dyna-Gro K-L-N at time of potting (dip them for 30 minutes) and then add K-L-N to the water for the adeniums 2 weeks once potted.  Also, spray the desert roses branches and trunk with the Bryer once every 5 days for 3 weeks to make sure no eggs hatch or get laid down.  Remember spider mites travel so you may get rid of them on the adeniums but what about other plants in the area? 30 days after re-potting start them on Dyna-gro Grow once a month.

Spider mites are hard to get rid of unless you start fresh because the eggs are microscopic.

Adenium plant growing seedlings status and images

desert rose plant seedlings
Wide striped adenium flower from seedling

The adenium plant seedlings are doing great. The desert rose plant in the image to the left is 6 to 8 months old and grown from seeds.   Presently, we have 3..4 different flower types available as seedlings from Epic Grower LLC.   Many of these adenium plants are blooming.   We use Dyna-Gro Bloom to get them to bloom earlier than normal to make sure the flower type on these seedlings are correct. There are some minor difference from plant to plant such as the stripe being wider on some (see next image).

Seedlings Flower Consistency

The Pico desert rose seedling are 98% constant and the red to violet edge ones are 97% consistent. These plants are the same ones sold to a TV shopping network show. The shopping network orders thousands of seedlings each year but charge a bunch more. The striped adeniums are 93% consistent and the white adeniums are 98%.

The desert rose plants seedlings are from the same grower for the TV network received earlier this  year.  AdeniumRose company staff is in the process of transplanting some of the desert rose plants into larger 3″ pots to fatten up the caudex to be offered as individual larger plants in the future.

desert rose plant obesum seedlings
Variation of the stripe desert rose plant seedlings

The remaining fat adenium seedlings not transplanted will left in their current growing trays for the next month to keep the costs lower and value high for AdeniumRose Company clients.

    Adenium Variations

The image to the left is an example of the stripe adenium seedling but with a bit thinner stripe. Also, the petal shape is a bit different.  On the average only 20% of hybrid adeniums plants grown from seeds will produce flowers exactly like the parent plant. There are always variations.

Adeniums in their natural environment do not offer a wide range of colors as in the hybrid desert roses. These are about as consistent as they get except if you are growing non-hybrid adeniums.

desert rose plant seeldings
Adenium seedling Pico hybrid

Now is the time to get the seedlings while you still have several months of the growing season left.  If you are an experienced grower with the right setup or if you live in the Southern most states (South Florida, South Arizona, South Texas,..)  then you can grow adeniums just about year round.

The non-transplanted adenium seedlings receive  80% sun strength at the AdeniumRose Company nursery and the desert rose transplanted are 100% out side without any cover.  Once young adenium plants reach the 3″ pot size they can handle full sun.

Adenium bonsai plant canopy style

When creating an adenium bonsai plant in a particular style you need to have a plan of attack and patience. Desert rose plants are not fast growing plants, however, they are very forgiving when creating an adenium bonsai.  Do you need formal bonsai training or special tools? No – just follow a few simple steps.  If you like the shape of the plant as-is (natural adenium bonsai)  then just do nothing like many collectors. However, if you want to create a windswept look, canopy or other bonsai style then you will need to do a few things including wiring branches.

Shaping Adenium Bonsai Plant Canopy Style
desert rose plant bonsai
Adenium Bonsai plant desert rose canopy style

Adenium branches are soft and easy to break so you must wait for the branches to thicken up a bit before wiring.  If the branches get too long crop (trim) them back to force thickening of the main branches.  If you are creating a canopy style adenium bonsai then wiring is not needed.  See the image to the right with many branches. This adenium plant was trimmed/cropped/pruned (whatever word you want to use) to force more branches to grow.  We wanted three or more branches to come out for each main branch cropped. The thicker the main branch the more branches will pop out of the side below the cut.

This adenium bonsai branches were cropped three times before 3 or more branches developed for each branch cropped.   Look at the thick branches of this desert rose bonsai. There are four main branches and each has several smaller new branches coming out. The over-all height of the total plant above the soil line is below 12″.  The caudex is 5″ across and 5″ deep (5 yr old plant).  This adenium Bonsai we just listed and sold today (less than 3 hours on the AdeniumRose website).  AdeniumRose Company plans to create bonsai started plants  and listed them as Adenium Bonsai on the website. Due to the nature of creating a bonsai I do not have a time frame of when ones will be listed.

More Adenium Branches = Larger Caudex

Once each of the new branches thickens up we will crop them. The whole idea is to have a wide canopy with tons of short thick branches. The great part about making a canopy type adenium bonsai is the more branches you have to fatter the caudex will become!  Keep the plant short and remember to arrange the root system to spread out (see previous article).

Do not worry about flowers are this time. Your main goal is to create a bunch of branches with leaves.  If the plant flowers it take energy away form the branch and leaf growing process.  The leaves need nutrients so use the proper fertilizer on a bi-weekly basis during growing season.

caudex how to grow wide- adenium plant exposed root system

Several people have requested more information on how to grow wider caudex which is the exposed root system that makes adenium plants special.   There are several steps and methods to create wider caudexes and create great desert rose plants.  First, you need to use the right type of pot, soil and provide the proper nutrients for your adenium plant.

The Pot and soil

There are several articles in this blog concerning the soil.  Instead of rewriting articles for the correct desert rose soil please use the top search and insert the keyword soil.  Needless to say, if you do not use the right soil and nutrients, the adenium plant will suffer.  Make sure you fertilize on a regular basis to prevent shock.

In order to grow your adenium caudex wide you need to use a shallow pot if at all possible. If your pot is deep you can fill the bottom of the pot with rocks except for the top 3…5 inches depending upon the size of your adenium plant.  Our jumbo plants are grown in 12” to 18” wide pots that are 5” to 8” deep.  In the deeper pots we fill the first 3 inches with rocks and then put weed block/Gardner cloth above the rocks.   Then we plant the adenium above the cloth. The cloth helps retain the soil. If you use this method you will need to repot every year because the cloth will decompose.

Wide caudex – Spread out the roots

When you pot your desert rose plant spread out the roots. Yes you can use bonsai wire to assist.  Be careful not break the roots. If you do break roots or cut the roots let the plant set out for 7 days before planting for the cuts to heal. If you have a nice ball of roots put a large rock or ball (ping pong ball?) in the pot and then arrange the adenium plant roots around the ball to force the roots outwards.

Nonporous rocks work great too.  In 6 months repot the desert rose plant and use a larger rock or ball.  The advantage to using rocks it that you can find different shapes to sculpture the roots in particular arrangement. Remember the roots below the soil now will be exposed to the air in the future as you grow your caudex larger.

Hoya plants growing and propagation of wax plants

It’s almost spring (in South Florida it’s already spring) which is a perfect time to start planning plant propagation.  Hoya plants, also known as wax plants, are veining flowering succulent like plants which are mostly propagated through cuttings.  Unlike many succulents  hoya plants will tolerate more water and less sunlight.

hoy plant wax plant
Neo Ebudica Hoya plant

In fact, most varieties of hoya plants the prefer 60-70% sunlight.  Epic Grower LLC propagates hoyas year-round due to our mild weather (the low today in my area was 71% – 2/7/2017).  Not all hoyas are easy to propagate which is way some are more costly (rare).  Rare hoyas tend to be the ones that grow slower and hard to propagate unless under the ideal conditions.

Propagation by Cuttings

If you are a beginner I would recommend starting propagating fast growing hoyas such as publicayx (red button or splash), the Australia ssp tenipes or sp pola from the ones available on the Adeniumrose company website.  Wait until your parent plant (the one you plan to get cuttings) has several vines before taking hoya cuttings.

Take hoya cuttings from the end of the vines that will yield 6″..7″ and several leaves. If you  notice some roots already on the vine so clip below them.  Once clipped wait about 20 minutes before applying any rooting hormone treatment to give time for the hoya plant sap to stop running from the cutting.  No you do not need to apply anything to the end of the cutting on the mother plant. Hoyas are resilient and the parent plant does not need any treatment when cut.

Rooting Hormone

Currently, we are using rooting hormone on all our plants. Prior to soaking the plant in the K-L-N we clip off the two lower leaves

We mix 2 table spoons of the liquid with 1 gallon of water and then let the plant soak (whole plant) in the water before planting for 30 minutes.  We tried powders but the Dyna-Gro K-L-N produced better results for us.

Now plant the hoya cutting in cactus type soil covering the cut leaf area (about 2″ of the plant). Do not water the wax plant until the next day to prevent washing off the rooting hormone. Once you start watering keep the soil slightly moist. Do not let it dry out for more than 1 day when propagating hoya plants. give the plant 5.. hours of 60 to 70% sunlight and within a few weeks the hoya plant will be well established with small roots.

Fragrance of Hoya plants – wax plant scents and environment

hoya wax plant sigillatis fragrance
Hoya sigillatis flowering wax plant with sweet fragrance

We received several questions concerning the scents or fragrance of hoya plant flowers. Hoya plants produce a very wide variety of fragrances. The hoya plants flower scent strength varies depending upon your growing environment and other factors.

Collectors use terms such as chocolate, citrus, vanilla, orange, lemon and other terms to describe the scents of the wax plants. Hoya Publicayx red button has been described with a strong lemony citrus with a hint of vanilla fragrance. However, smell is a personal thing and your growing environment is a factor.

Growing Environment

The scene of the hoyas varies depending upon your growing area. Epic Grower LLC, located in NE Georgia has hot humid summers and cool/cold winters so the fragrance is never strong due to too much moisture in the air.  Its like a fir Christmas tree: when its cold and dry you smell it more than when its warm and humid.

Our publicalyx parent plants (the ones we use to propagate new plants) had tons of flower clusters earlier this year. However,  due to our very humid warm to hot climate we do not notice the hoya plants fragrance as much as somebody would in the northern areas that are either cooler or less humid. Yes, if we put our nose close to the flower we do smell a fragrance.

Nutrients Fragrance Factor

The other factor in the scent of a hoya plant beyond the growing environment is the nutrients in your soil. What nutrients are in the soil can cause some changes in the scent produced. If you have too much phosphate, iron, nitrogen and other nutrients the plant needs to grow then the scent may get strong or lighter.  I’m not an expert on nutrients and smell of plants but there are many articles on how a sent of a flower or plant changes depending what nutrients you feed it.

Do you grow wax plants – hoyas? Do you notice any scent whether strong or slight? What is your growing environment for the hoya plant?  What variety of wax plants are you growing? Please post a comment about hoya plant scent here. It simple to write a comment and it will help others.