Bug Pests on Adeniums, Hoya and Rare Plants

Adeniums, Hoyas, rare tropical, fat plants and other unusual plants have the some of the same problems as regular foliage or vegetables plants – Bug pests. We have received many questions about bug pests and what to do. First there are bad bug pests and good bugs. Many beneficial bug include ladybugs (beetles), some caterpillars, lacewings, praying mantis and beneficial nematodes.

Bug pests Control – Not All are Bad

Once   a year during late summer our adeniums becoming a feeding ground for an orange stripes butterfly caterpillar.  No we do not use sprays or anything to stop the leaf striping bug unless it gets out of hand.  During this time we make sure not more than 25% of the plants are being stripped.

Why do we not wipe caterpillar out? Because once the adeniums are stripped of leaves they come back with more leaves and branches! The caterpillars help us! If more than 25% are being stripped we manually remove the caterpillars. These are good bugs to us!

Bug Pests Aphids and Spider Mites

In our area we very rarely get have bug problems. We see spider mites sometimes if we fail to spray the plants once a month. Once a blue moon we see aphids on the tropical which ladybug releases twice a month for one month works. Remember we have a large quantity of plants so we are proactive in bug pests efforts.

Insecticide soaps products work great for small plant grouping. AdeniumRose Company is required to spray the plants once a month to be class III certified. However, we use natural remedies to prevent losing beneficial bug pests if at possible.

The monthly bug pest spray AdeniumRose Company LLC use that meets the Class III requirements is Bayer Advanced.

When using an insecticide read the directions carefully. Spider mites, aphids and other pests hatching a cycle. If you have a problem remember you need to do a series of applications 5…7 days apart for a full month. Even if you do not the bug pests anymore still spray because the eggs are easy to overlook!

7 Replies to “Bug Pests on Adeniums, Hoya and Rare Plants”

  1. You mentioned monthly spraying Adeniums with Bayer Advanced…there are many products under the name Bayer Advanced…can you be more specific without the risk of making a product recommendation or at least mention the active ingredient

  2. what are the natural means you use. I would rather use more natural means before resorting to chemicals.

    thank you

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