Epic Grower Is Now Open

Epic Grower LLC nursery online is now open with its website 97% completed. The Epic Grower website plant inventory is being updated now. It’s a great time to look for exotic and new plants.  Register on the site to received news, future discount coupons and learn about any specials.  Just click on the registration link on the top left of the page.  No purchase is required what-so-ever.


Please note Epic Grower registration is 100% separate from Adeniumrose Company.


Late Winter 2020/2021 Epic Grower Location Openings

EpicEpic Grower Governor Mounton camillia Grower is located in Cleveland, GA north of Atlanta about 1.25 hours drive. Land is being cleared for a new 100 foot long cold frame. The cold frame (unheated growing structure) will allow Epic Grower to expand into more rare and exotic plants. Plus,  it gives us the ability to allow limited special weekend only on-site retail business in the future.


We plan to have exclusive 1 or 2 weekends only per month onsite plant sales.  Our first one will be for very popular exotic Camellia plants where we expect to have 20 or more varieties of blooming size in 1 and 3 gallon size nursery pots.  These sales will start in late winter 2020/2021 and spring 2021.


In addition, there will be over 500 fruit/Berry trees. Several varieties of  apple, pear, fig trees, goji berry,  and much more.  These large plants will only be available during the onsite special weekend events at our Cleveland, GA location.


If you are interested in these special weekend events then register on the Epic Grower site and follow us on Facebook   www.facebook.com/epicgrower.


When you visit us during the special event weekends make sure you leave time to visit the German town of Helen Georgia (18 minutes away) and the gold rush town of Dahlonega about 20 minutes away.  If you come during spring/early summer you may want to plan a white water rafting trip or hike/bike the many trails in our area.  Cleveland, Ga is the gateway to the mountains so there are tons of activities here!


The Hoya inventory will be updated by this weekend on the site. Many of the hoyas are growing in  4 to 4.5 nursery pots.  Yes, we will still have auctions on eBay for large plants. Please note due to high demand and longer growing period before they are ready for sale quantities are very limited.  It takes 6 month to 12 months for the cuttings to establish themselves with good roots.  These are grown outside under a shade house during the summer and indoors under LED grow lights during the colder winter months.





Adenium Spider Mites & More

Adenium Spider Mites problem and other issues from a new collector.  Here is the question (name removed for privacy):

“Hi, my name is M from Illinois.  I discovered Adenium Desert Rose plants (purchased 5 from TV show) about two years ago I am slowly learning how to take care of them.   After losing two adeniums, I had ordered three more.  I was having issues with a white powder substance on some of the leaves and stems.  My original two looked really bad with one of them having a Caudex which became rather soft.

I re-potted my two original adenium plants and potted my new ones in clay type bonsai style pots with SCHULTZ Cactus Palm & Citrus Potting mix.  I have had them out in full hot sun while watering every two or three days.  They have all come back and are full of leaves and one is blooming vigorously.  Their Caudex’s are now all firm.  You may be wondering why I am telling you all of this.  I ran across your site, and wish I had found it earlier.  I want to order two or three of your very large plants, but want to make sure I am doing nothing wrong now.  Out of all of the plants I own, these are by far my favorite, and I want to have success with them.”

Adenium Spider Mites Problem on Plants

adenium spider mitesThe white powdery substance is appearing again.  I read to use neem oil.  It does contain other ingredients as well.  So I have not used it yet.  Other people say use a soap based product instead.

I am also wondering what the best type of indoor light to use when I move them inside for the colder months.  I have several items in my cart on your site, and even though I have three large plants picked out, I’m wondering if I should start with one.  I want to order the Dyna-Gro fertilizer on your site,. Also some of the soil that you use.  I know it may seem odd to ask for advise before I place an order.  I don’t want to destroy one of your beautiful plants.  Thank You if you can give any feedback.

Adenium Spider Mites Resolved

The white stuff sounds like spider mites. If its sticky then is a adenium spider mites problem?  They are hard to get rid of with neem oil or soap.   We use Bayer advanced Total spray on the adeniums.  I would spray all the plants every 5 days for 3 weeks to make sure you get rid of the live ones and news ones once they hatch.  You need to consistent when you have adenium spider mites.  Even if you do not see anymore keep spraying.

Yes – change to the Dyna-Gro grow instead of the The palm and citrus. The Dyna-Grow Grow is better balanced and has more micro nutrients for the  plants.  AdeniumRose Company LLC use the Grow and/or foliage on all out plants not just the adeniums.   During the rainy season we use Dyna-Grow Tekt too to help the plant with nutrient absorption.

Lights for growing is a whole different topic.  AdeniumRose Company does not use grow lights at our location is SE Florida location (a cold day is 50 degrees during winter).  However, Mike started a new nursery call Epic Grower LLC in the North Georgia mountains (elevation 1700 feet).  His brother, Harris,  has taken over AdeniumRose Company LLC  day to day operation this past spring (2020) with Mike’s help remotely.

Epic Grower LLC is used LED lights  for various plants.  Presently, Epic Grower uses lights from Spider Farmer and  Mars Hydro.  No they do not offer LED lights.  There website is almost ready to go live.

Reply from M:  Thank You very much for that feedback.  I will get some tomorrow, and I’m glad I didn’t spray them with neem oil.  Yes, it is a little sticky, and actually if I look closely, there appears to be very small spider web type material in a very few places.  Yes, its a adenium spider mites problem. I hope everything else I have been doing is okay, because I’m probably going to place an order with you guys tomorrow, and I don’t want to risk damaging a new plant.  Thanks again


AdeniumRose Hurricane Irma Update and sale

3-Day Adenium Special Sale

Adeniumrose Company 3-Day Large size Adenium plant sale starts tomorrow. Please note – we only have a limited number of 3 and 5 packs available so if you want large adeniums at standard or lower prices then Friday September 20, 2017 morning 7:30 Eastern time is the time to act.

Status of AdeniumRose Company Nursery

AdeniumRose Company along with 78% of the Miami metro area is out of power (about 2 million customers). This post was dictated to a friend in another state to post it.  AdeniumRose Company will not be shipping adeniums, hoyas, any plants or products until next week.  USPS/ and/or UPS are not operating as of this morning.  Most phone and internet services are out due to no power and/or damage.

The nursery is in a mess.  90% of the plants in moved to a warehouse before the hurricane but the growing beds, racks, etc. need to be fixed.  AdeniumRose Company will be working on getting back up this week, fixing things damaged, etc. after checking/helping friends and family first.

As long as Hurricane Jose stays away, AdeniumRose Company plans to start shipping next Monday 18th September.   Many areas will be without power for weeks and it will take a while to clear streets of debris so people can get around safely.

Plant Inventory And Sales

We will do a complete adenium plant and hoya plant inventory as we put the AdeniumRose nursery back outside.  There will be a sale on the large adeniums as stated on Facebook but it will not start until this Friday.  Hoya varieties will be added to the inventory and other plants. Expect to start Hoya auctions again starting on Sunday.

adenium arabicum plant
Adenium arabicum plant available soon at AdeniumRose Company

AdeniumRose Company received a large shipment of 3-in-1 plants two weeks ago which we plan to release in 2..3 months for spring blooming.  Yes some awesome looking Arabicum adenium plants were in the shipment.  The 3-in-1 and the arabicum are larger plants in with caudexs of 4″ to 8″. The release of the arabicums is planned at the same time as the 3-in-1 adenium plants.  Arabicums are the adenium plants that produce super wide caudexes with tons of branching.  Adenium arabicum plants Tare the ones that Thailand growers use in award competitions.

I wish everybody in the affected areas quick recovery.  Please note we will not be able to respond to emails or questions on the blog quickly until power is restored.

Adenium Plants Desert Roses New Jumbo release

AdeniumRose Company LLC is releasing the first very limited Jumbo and 3-in-1 adenium plants in about 1 hour.  Some of the jumbo desert rose plants have bloomed. We plan a second release of plants Jumbos and 3-in-1 plants in about a month (some are not ready yet). Beyond the second release it will be many months before any new adenium plants in the Jumbo size or the 3-in-1 we be ready.  If you are a current client registered on our site or you follow us on Facebook then you already received noticed. The Jumbo size adenium plants are one of a kind plants.

Here are some images of recent blooms from a few of the Jumbo desert rose plants:

adenium plantDesert rose plant

The first image above was taken last month when one of the 3-in-one bloomed. Its labeled Dark-Red desert rose. In addition the 3-in-1 label has a pink with stripe and purple on it.  The second image of a adenium flower is call Pink-red and it’s on a jumbo plant.

adenium plant flowering succulentadenium plant

The desert rose plant flower above left is labeled red purple bloom on a jumbo and also on one of the 3-in-1 plants. The outer edges have purple with the rest shades of red. The image on the right has a label dark red. It was blooming on a Jumbo size adenium plant. There was one desert rose plant 3-in-1 that had a similar flower bloom but much darker and label black. There are not true BLACK adenium flowers, however, some of the very, very dark reds look close to black. We saw a pink with stripe bloom one of the adenium flower one of the 3-in-1 that look very similar Siam classic. There are a few adenium plants 3-in-1 with a label saying pink with stripe.

Growing Hoya plants, wax plants, in various climates


hoya plant or wax plant
Hoya bordenii rare hoya plant

We recently received a few questions about growing hoya plants including some people saying hoyas cannot be grown in southern Florida which is a myth.  Prior to starting AdeniumRose Company I grew hoya plants on a patio in south Florida and they consistently flowered for many years. They were in 12″ pots hanging down from a height of 8 feet to the ground in a covered patio area. They grow so fast I continually needed to cut them back otherwise they would be touching the ground. Hoyas are TROPICAL succulent plants that grow great in partial shade outdoors and in-doors in many different climates.

Hoya plants will grow in high humidity to average humidity areas outdoors.  They prefer partial shade because full sun can cause leaf burn. As an indoor plant, hoyas prefer 6..7 hours of 70% to 80% sunlight a day to flower.  We use a soil mix a little richer in organic materials than we do for our adeniums and other succulents. However, just like any succulent the soil must drain quickly and be airy to prevent root rot. Hoyas do not mind being root bound and some varieties even bloom faster if root bound.  However, do not repot to a smaller pot from a large pot just to get them to flower faster because you will damage the root system

All AdeniumRose Company’s grow the wax plants in hanging pots have drainage holes open and they are watered about twice a week from late winter through fall. You need to adjust your watering schedule based upon your growing season.  Yes, you can grow your hoyas outdoors during the warmer months. Remember to bring them in doors as the temperatures get below 50 degrees. During the slow growing months (winter) we reduce the watering to once a week and make sure the soil is 90% dry before watering.

P.S. Hoyas are also know as wax and Hindu rope plants.

Hoya plants release very soon – list of types attached

Adeniumrose Company is in the process of inputting the Hoya plants information on the website. We plan to release about 20 – 22 varieties in 1..2 weeks. These hoyas, also known as wax plants,  were received about 4 months ago as barely rooted cuttings. Now they are much larger and growing great roots.

Images will be taken of the hoya plants so people have an image of the size right before we release them. Here is a list of the plants AdeniumRose Company plans to release:

hoya lacunosa

hoya incrassata variegata

hoya carnosa tricolor

hoya cumingiana

hoya lacunosa x obscura

hoya macrophylla

hoya australis ssp australis

hoya elliptica

hoya pubicalyx splash

hoya dolichosparte pink

hoya sp. pola

hoya rigida

hoya kenejiana red corona

hoya kenejiana variegata

hoya cv. jennifer

hoya cv. Optimistic

hoya cv routine

hoya imperialis red

hoya pentaphlebia

hoya sp. phu wua

hoya sp sarawak

hoya glabra schlechter 1908

Please note we have a limited number of each type of hoya plants. All of them are growing in 5 in hanging pots but will be shipped bare root with a moisten towel around the roots.  Rooted hoyas do ship well and we plant to use USPS priority mail (1..3 day transit).

All the hoyas AdeniumRose Company grows are in 65% to 70% sunlight for about 5..6 hours a day. Presently, they are getting very high humidity (90% plus) and 90+ degree weather and they are doing great. Many years ago I lived in Atlanta and grow them year round inside next to a window that received sun about 6..8 hours a day during the summer and 5..6 hours during winter. The glass was lightly tinted a bit so I’m guessing 75% sun rating.

If would not put them in direct sunlight for more than 3 hours if possible (morning sun light). They do better with shaded or indirect light but longer hours.  Not all Hoyas ave the same growth requirements but they are all very similar.  Some hoya plants require a bit more light and others less so you many want to move them around a bit and record the movement so you can track which ones like more or less sun exposure.


New Adeniums Released and XLG desert rose plants

new 2015 Fancy Yellow adenium plant released
new 2015 Fancy Yellow adenium plant released

Adeniumrose Company LLC just released new adenium plants Gala Red, Crisp Yellow, Thai White and others desert rose plants part of summer 2015 collection. The desert rose plant to the left is a new one not yet proven (image from Thailand Grower). Our main desert rose plant Thailand grower since mid 2013 has been 89% accurate with the images they send which is a great improvement from previous growers.  As in all plants, the flowers do not always bloom with the exact flower coloration as you see in the images due to the photo lighting, your growing climate, soil nutrients and natural variations in nature. The extra large plants just released are from a different Thailand grower of adenium plants.

6 types of extra large adenium plants with caudex of 5″ or larger across growing in 12 pots are available. The extra large are in very limited supply due to size and age of the adenium plant. The extra large desert rose plants have rosy flowers in white, red, pink, yellow, variegated leaf or violet. However, we only received 5 of each type so get them with they are available.

I plan to add the new flower type images of the desert rose plants to the photo gallery this week. In the mean time, look under the adenium tab for desert rose plants that are new flower types and old ones which have been out of stock.

The hoya plants received three weeks ago are doing fine with minimal loss. We plan to grow them form another 2 months and then release then on the AdeniumRose site.  Several are very rare and all are very limited in quantities in stock. The plumeria plants are doing great and the fragrances fill the air in our nursery with many tropical aromas.

Several clients have asked about the crested and ram leaf adenium plants we had in stock in the past. Please note these are extremely rare and hard to get. I continually ask for them when we place orders. If when we do get more in I will issues a special notice. Currently we do not have them in stock and do not have an ETA of when the crested adeniums or ram leaf plants will be available.

Have a great last few days of Spring!

Plumeria plants, Hoyas plants and other flowering succulents

The new shipment of adeniums plants have arrived and 50% of them are potted. The rest will be potted by the end of this weekend.  Also, if you have not done so plant your seeds if you plan to grow any desert rose plants or plumeria plants now.

Adenium and plumeria plant seeds do the best when planted in early Spring.  Late spring (May) is too late for some areas because it does not give them enough time to grow to the right size to be transplanted into 2″ (about 3 months old) size pots. Once you transplant the seeds you want to have 2 more months of growing season left.  We are planting our last 3,000 adenium seeds this weekend. the first batch of adenium and plumeria seeds started in February are do great. The plumeria plant seeds, which are faster growers, are being transplanted to 2″ pots this weekend.

white hoya flowring plant
White Hoya plant flowers cluster

Are there any Hoya plant growers or collectors out there?  AdeniumRose Company is ordering our first shipment of Hoya plants/cuttings this month. We are selecting about 20 varieties and expect to have them ready in late summer.  Hoya plants are great hanging plants and perfect for under trees and other 60% to 80% sun areas. Plus, they do great in various climates.  The flowers come in bunches of circular clusters and some have a fragrance. If you are a collector please drop a note and

Large hoay flower type
Large Hoya flowers

even an image of your plants.

The two images of hoya plants are are ones we expect to order this month. these make very attractive house plants!

Adenium plants and plumeria plants – Its Spring

The adeniums are blooming in south Florida. The plumeria plants are starting to leaf and some are sending out flower spikes.  Due to Florida’s long growing season we usually get 2 and sometimes 3 blooms a year from a adenium plant. Not all adeniums will bloom multiple times a year but some will.

People in the northern states should already be using a fertilizer because the adenium plants may not look like it but they should be coming out of dormancy in your areas. If you do not fertilize your desert roses all the time then start with a diluted amount fro the first 2 watering to prevent plant shock.

If you are growing adenium plants from seeds NOW IS the time!  We sowed our first 3,000 seeds last month and the plants are doing great.  Two weeks ago we plant the first plumeria seeds. We are not using any artificial lights or warmers what-so-ever in our area. We use very high domes over 20×10 trays. The seeds are group planted about 200 adenium seeds per tray.  We lift the domes once a week to all fresh air and that’s it!

The plumeria plants received last year un-rooted are just about all starting to leaf. In a month we are schedule to check the root systems. If all goes well the plumeria plants will be offered starting in early summer. There are about 6..8 varieties of dwarf plumeria plants in stock. Dwarf plumerias limb segments are shorter and the plants grow from 2 to 3 meters tall when planted in the ground. Yes, you can grow them in large pots too!  Just like adenium plants; some plumeria plants bloom before the leaf and other leaf before they bloom.


Name that cactus, tropical or succulent plant

Bright succulent plant layers of petals
Bright succulent plant layers of petals


This is a first in a series of posts to see if you can name a cactus, tropical or succulent plant. It’s a fun thing to do as a cactus or succulent collector. When checking a name of a succulent it is easy to get confused because many succulent plants look similar to each other but due to a slight variation of leaf shape or color they have a different name within a species. The image to the right is a succulent in Adeniumrose company collection. It’s not very rare, yet  it’s one you will not see in your regular garden stores very often if at all.

This succulent plant is in a 3″ pot and the leaves get brighter the more sun it receives. The succulent leaves are thick and it can be propagated with the leaves or cutting off the babies offshoots when the plant gets bigger. It’s a fairly fast growing succulent plant that does well in bonsai or miniature cactus gardens.

flowering succuelnt plant
This succulent plant will grow up like a tower

Here is a second image of the succulent. The leaf color is orange to green. We have three of these in stock at AdeniumRose Company but not listed because we are propagating them at this time.

If you think you know what this one is called please post it here!