Growing Adenium plants from seeds

Adenium plant seedlings grow from seeds is not a challenging process. One of the best ways to obtain adenium plants is either acquire seedlings or grow them plants from seeds. Growing from seed is an added expense if you do not live in a tropical or warm desert climate. You will sterilized soil, growing flats and a water system unless you want to slave over the growing by doing everything by hand everyday when growing adeniums. the seedling image on this article is an adenium approximately 5 months old in  a 2.5″ x 2.5″ container. It was transplanted to this container from a community adenium growing tray when it was 3 months old. it will stay in this pot until we do the first clipping in spring to create multiple branches on the adenium desert rose plant.

When growing adenium plants from seed expect about a 80% germination rate and 70% survival rate to 5 months old. Also, when received seeds of a certain adenium flower type do not expect all the seeds to look like the parent adenium plants flower. In fact, sometimes only 50% look like the parents if the seeds are from hybrid plants. If you have a limited growing season we recommend obtaining seedlings or 3yr old plants for you collection. In the tropics (Miami, where AdeniumRose company is located) is a tropical climate. Our growing season is 8 to 10 months. Our winters are very mild with an average daytime temperature of 74 degrees.

If you live in a cool climate you will need to set up a special growing room to grow adenium plants by seeds.

Adenium, desert rose, grafted plant flower triple with stripes

Triple adenium pedel with strip
Great first flowering of an grafted adenium

This image was taken two months ago of a striped adenium flower. This is the first bloom since the graft and it is showing its first couple leaves that are just starting to pop out. Right after the adenium, desert rose plant, bloom we took off the flower buds so all the energy goes towards leaf development. Many times when we received grafted adenium plants, the flowers bloom before we see any leaves. The flowers takes a lot from a plants energy and 99% of the time we snip off the flowers on any new adenium graft until they are at least 6 months old.

Notice the triple layer of pedals. Some adeniums layers of pedals are clustered in the center as this adenium pant and others have the flower pedal look of a rose bush (see previous posts). This adenium plant will have a more pronounced yellow color in the center leaves as the plant ages and once it received fertilizer. As a general rule we do not fertilize new adenium grafts until they are 4 months old. Only time release fertilizer is used except when the leaves needs some copper or other micro minerals for leaf color or growth.  The same holds true for seedlings except we wait until 6 months and adenium caudex development of at least 1/2″ to prevent plant shock. Also, this weeds out adenium seedlings that are exhibiting natural bad growth from adenium seeds batches.

White grafted adenium plant triple white


This is a great example of a triple layered pedal grafter adenium plant from Thailand. This one was imported to the USA four months ago.This adenium flower two months ago and shows a great medium size flower with a very slight pink tone in the center pedal layer. Notice the shape of he pedals and the even distribution.  this plant will be available in very limited quantities in December once the AdeniumRose Company site is ready.

Grafted adenium plants received from Thailand are plant and grow in |South Florida  for at least 3 months before they are released released for clients in ensure quality of plant an flower.  AdeniumRose  Company received 14 of these white flower with slight pink center adenium plants with caudex size of 3″ to 4″ across.  Since this adenium, desert rose plant the common name, flowered it has fully leafed out and increased in size. All the adenium plants received are in great shape and growing fast in the open (not under lights or cover). growing the grafted plants in the open in full sun light makes them stronger and gives you the assurance that adenium plant you received is very healthy.

Continue to visit this blog for more photos and tips on caring for adenium plants. If you are in the south Florida area look fro announcements soon concerning the farmers markets locations that will be offering our these grafted adenium, desert rose, plants. Have a fantastic Thanksgivings!

Adenium fertilizing and Hybrid plants growing

Fertilizing adenium, desert rose plants (common name)

Fertilizing adenium will produce larger plants and more frequent flowering. Established adeniums do not need much care.  In fact, many people never fertilize their adeniums and they grow ok. However, if you use 7-7-7 time released fertilizer you will enjoy faster growing plants and more flowers. If you need flower boosting then use Dyna-Gro bloom once a month starting in late winter until you see the first bid.

AdeniumRose Company uses a time released 7-7-7 with great results in South Florida. When fertilizing adenium for blooms in southeast Florida we start in early February (about 1 month before flowering time). Do not fertilize when flowering because it may cause the flower to drop.  The advantage of time release is that it last 3 months or more depending upon your brand. Just remember do not fertilize during dormancy of plant or during flowering periods.

AdeniumRose Company Hybrid Plants

Adenium hybrids plants are specially grown plants that produce unusual flowers and plant forms not usually found in nature. Adeniums in nature consist of shades of pink flowers, pink with white and slight variations. Growers cross pollinate different flowers to create new flower colors, shapes and sizes.  Current adenium (desert rose plants) hybrids come in many different colors, sizes, shapes and with interesting patterns (stripes, dots, etc). You do not see the hybrids in regular stores due to their higher costs as they are not massed produced.

Adenium plant, desert rose, new arrival late Summer from thailand

desert rose plant bonsia style grafted double flower
Petunia Adenium grafted double with stripes, desert rose

This adenium plant arrive in our Miami facility in late August. Its is being accumulated to our climate and will be available in a couple months for clients. It’s a three year adenium old plant with a 6 month old graft. The adenium flower is average size with two layers “double” of pedals. The pedals have great contrast which shows off the stripes the the light color throat of the adenium plant.

Desert rose plants flowers, common name for adeniums, now come in many colors, sizes and with unique character. You no longer need to settle for adenium plant flowers with shades of pinks, white or even single layer pedals. They now come in yellows, dark red, violet, with stripes, with veins, multiple pedal layers and various other variations.

If you are looking for unique adeniums grown to accent their colors and caudex then check out Epic Grower

Company. Contact them via email or through their new website that is expected to be up and running by December 2011 for on line ordering.  If you collect adeniums and needs tips on how to graft them or grow them by seeds book mark this blog for future articles and advice.

Adenium, desert rose, plants are becoming very popular and rival rose bushes in the quality of flowers. They are even ones with aroma!  The main different is that adeniums are easier to grow and have less problems than rose bushes plus they do not have thrones!

New arrivals hybied adenium desert rose plants

Adenium plants grafted growing flower
Adenium plant Red Hasadee – common name desert rose

This is a recent arrival from Thailand. It’s a grafted adenium, desert rose common name, hybrid graft on a three year old adenium obesum. You will notice it has 4 to five layers of pedals of rich red color with dark red almost black edges.

Grafted adeniums in Thailand and India are taking the adeniums plants to new heights. The flowers of the desert rose are challenging regular rose bushes (the non-succulent rose bush) in beauty and quality.

Adenium flowers which are sold in box stores usually have four to five pedals but no in layers. They are commonly pink, pink with white and other shades of pink with white. You may seeing some double pedals adenium plants in USA store soon but specialty ones with three, four and even five layers of pedals are still a few years away unless you obtain then from specialty growers such as AdeniumRose Company in Miami. Adenium plants are succulents that grow slow but are easy to maintain. Unlike rose plants, adeniums take little care, fertilization and water to produce great looking flowers. They have a natural bonsai look to the plants due to their large caudex growth (exposed root system). In the coming weeks look for more images of new adenium arrivals including yellow, magenta and striped adeniums.


Adeniums Desert rose pots: what types of pots to use

Adeniums will grow in  a variety of pot sizes, shapes and styles. When selecting your pot for your desert rose succulent plant make sure they have water DRAIN holes. Grab some rocks and cover the holes to prevent the soil for leaking our.  You want to cover the holes but so not block the water from getting out of the pot.

Select a pot size that leaves 2 to 3 inches of free space around the adenium roots unless you want to keep the plant from growing in size. AdeniumRose Company uses standard nursery plastic pots while growing and repot them 1 to 2 times a year until they reach the desired size or shape. Once the adeniums root is caudex is in the 3″ to 4″ size across we use mostly shallow pots (2″ to 4″ deep) only for force the caudex to grow out and large. Yes, we do have some in deep ceramic pots but the adeniums, desert roses, in those pots are in the very large size (18″ and larger caudex).

One of our favorite types of pots for adeniums are bonsai. Bonsai pots are shallow which promotes larger caudex (exposed roots) and provide the width for growth. Adeniums are not normally a deep root plant; however you can roots.  If you desire taller growing caudex. Ask Epic Grower Company how to adjust your plants for best caudex growing and bonsai effect or just let it grow without any shaping help for great looking plants (90% of our plants are not trained bonsai).

Adenium desert rose growing – how much light is needed

Adeniums, also know as Desert Roses, are one of the easiest succulents to grow in Florida. Florida, with its long summers and very mild winters, provide a great growing environment for Desert Roses. They grow fast and create natural bonsai looking plants.  When planted in the ground adeniums will grow 4…6 feet tall (some taller) with tons of flowers. If you plant in pots you can control the size of the plant from a small windowsill to a larger decorative centerpiece.

The adeniums produce spectacular flowers and grow huge caudexes (massive exposed roots). The caudex gives the plants a natural bonsai look without all the bonsai growing work! In addition they create great centerpieces when in bloom.

You can grow your adenium outside all year long in Southern parts of Florida, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California.  If you live in areas that the temperatures drop below 40 degrees then protect your plants.  Adeniums need 5 to 6 hours of full sunlight a day to produce tons of flowers. If you give it more hours of sunlight they will grow faster and larger! They will grow in areas with less light, however, the frequency of flowering and growth of the adenium desert rose plant caudex will suffer.

If you like to have flowers indoors, then wait until they start flowering and bring them indoors to enjoy. That’s what we do with our favorite adenium plants. Optionally, completely grow adeniums indoors using grow lights. AdeniumRose Company grows seeds to seedlings using LED grow lights until they are established enough for outdoors. The seedlings are transfer to the outdoors once they are at least 3 months old and the rainy season is over.  Adeniums can take a lot of water if your soil is correct. But heavy rain (large drops and strong winds) can damage small seedlings so we prefer to keep the adenium desert roses plants under LED lights until its safe for them.

Desert rose soil: What soil to use for growing adeniums

Growing adeniums desert rose plants verse seeds require different soil. In this article I will discuss growing in containers once the plants are four to five months old with a caudex of ½” of larger.  Once the adenium desert rose seedling gets to a size that allows you to put it in full summer heat and sun light out should replant into a soil mix that is designed fro a more nature plant. Adenium obesum, commonly known as the desert rose, is a flowering succulent native to the soil of sub-Saharan Africa and the Arabian peninsula First it must be course soil mix and drain fast!

The general adenium soil mix used in my are consists of perlite, sand, rock, top soil  and coir. Yes, you can use peat moss by remember peat moss retains more water plus moss peat moss is a wetting agent to allow it to re-capture moisture faster. Regular of the shelf cacti soil will work for adeniums but its not the best. If you plan to collect adenium plants, desert roses (common name) than you will want to create your own soil designed for your area. The basic mix is still the same but you may need to add more or less coir for moisture control.

When mixing soil for adeniums desert rose plants non-seedlings, use 65% perlite, 10 coir, 10% sand/rock and 15% organic material such as top soil. Add a bit of fertilizer you are ready to plant adeniums. If you are using store bought cacti add additional perlite and sand/rock to make the mix courser so water drains faster. Most cacti soils purchased in stores to much peat moss for your adeniums. The main problem with growing adeniums is root rot. You want to be able to water which means you need a soil for your desert rose that drain quickly. Once you have the correct soil 97% of all problems with growing desert roses adeniums plants are solved!

Planting desert roses adenium plants in containers pots

First, choose a size of pot that gives the adenium desert rose caudex about 1 to 1.5” more room to grow. If you allow too much room your caudex will not grow as fast. You want to control the growth of your adenium caudex to create fat roots systems. If you desert rose adenium plant has too much room to grow many roots then it will instead of growing fatter caudexes.

All pots for adenium plants must have drainage holes and NO saucers to catch water. Standing water is the number on cause of adenium desert rose plant root rout. When planting your adenium desert rose plants do not be fixed on having it always stand straight up. If you plan to bonsai you adenium plant many great plants start out leaning to one side or even hugging the ground before growing upwards. Its always a bit wise to put some rock in the bottom of the adenium plants pot to keep standing water away fomr the desert roses roots.

Use the proper soil mix (see other blog entries on soils) to make sure the water drains fast from your adenium plant. When you plant the adenium desert rose cropping the roots first to promote thicker main roots is a good idea. When cropping rots look at he plant form and determine what portions of the caudex will be above the soil line of the adenium. Small roots above the soil line will turn green and 90% of the time will not grow down to the soil.

Finally, use a bit of rock on top of the soil to keep the soil mixed from floating especially if you use prelate like most growers. Growing adenium desert rose plants are simple and just requires a bit of knowledge as in growing any plant. If you are growing desert roses adenium plants from seeds then you need a completely different soil than when growing more nature adenium plants.