First Special Weekend Event Scheduled for April 3-4 from 9am to 3pm.
 Epic Grower LLC opens its Cleveland, Georgia location to the public on this special weekend event. Pick from many of our online plants plus other unusual fruit varieties, berries, herbs and ornamental too large for shipping.
Please note we are NOT OPEN to the public except of these dates what-so-ever.Address: 1437 Jenny’s Cove Road, Cleveland, GA 30528
Make it a weekend trip: Visit nearby Alpine Helen Ga 15 minutes away, gold rush town of Dahlonega 20 Minutes away, many hiking/biking trails or over 15 Wineries from 5 minutes to 20 minutes away.
Plant list:
Apple trees 7 gallon size – Wolf Creek, Granny Smith, Enterprise, Golden Delicious, and Honey Crisp
Aloe White Ghost 4.5” pot
Brazilian Grape 4
Camellia Japonicas 1 gallon and 3 gallon – April Tyst, Buttons and Bows, CV Hovey, Dads Pink, EG Waterhouse, Ella Ward Parsons, Fran Mathis, Grape Soda, Goggy, Jacks, Jury Yellow, Look Again, Mine No Yuki, Rose Dawn and Victory White. Yes some are blooming now (3/17/2021)
Cape Myrtle 2 gal
Crab-apple trees 2 gallon
Dogwood Florida White 1 gallon
Dogwood Florida white 2 gallon
Elderberry 1 gallon
Elderberry 2 gallon
Figs 1gal – Black Mission, Olympian, and Violet De Bordeaux
Gasteria Tongue succulent 4.5” pot
Gasteria Tongue succulent 6” pot
Goji berry 4” pot
Goji berry 1 gal
Goji berry trellis 2 gallon
Honeysuckle 2 gallon trellis
Coral Red Honeysuckle 1 gallon
Coral Red Honeysuckle 4.5” pit
Magnolia’s queen Ann 2 gallon
Oakleaf Hydrangeas 1 gallon
Cuban Oregano 4.5″ pot
Cuban Oregano 1 gallon
Pears 7 gallon – Moon Glow and Keiffer
Red twig 1 gallon
Yellow twig 1 gallonSuper Rare Christia Cespertilionis Red Butterfly Wing Plant – This is an example of a rate unusual plant that, as of this date, we are the only ones that we know of in the USA growing them for retail clients. This is not a plant you will find anywhere else! We will have a few available during this event.
Pricing matches or lower than our website / eBay listing or Amazon listings.
Example 7 gallon apple trees $23.97 – around town/big box stores 5 gallon trees ones are $29.97 to $34.97
If you are a hoya collector then please send a message in advance. The hoya room will not be open without appointment. If we get enough local interest we will sponsor a special Hoya trading day for collectors.