Desert rose soil: What soil to use for growing adeniums

Growing adeniums desert rose plants verse seeds require different soil. In this article I will discuss growing in containers once the plants are four to five months old with a caudex of ½” of larger.  Once the adenium desert rose seedling gets to a size that allows you to put it in full summer heat and sun light out should replant into a soil mix that is designed fro a more nature plant. Adenium obesum, commonly known as the desert rose, is a flowering succulent native to the soil of sub-Saharan Africa and the Arabian peninsula First it must be course soil mix and drain fast!

The general adenium soil mix used in my are consists of perlite, sand, rock, top soil  and coir. Yes, you can use peat moss by remember peat moss retains more water plus moss peat moss is a wetting agent to allow it to re-capture moisture faster. Regular of the shelf cacti soil will work for adeniums but its not the best. If you plan to collect adenium plants, desert roses (common name) than you will want to create your own soil designed for your area. The basic mix is still the same but you may need to add more or less coir for moisture control.

When mixing soil for adeniums desert rose plants non-seedlings, use 65% perlite, 10 coir, 10% sand/rock and 15% organic material such as top soil. Add a bit of fertilizer you are ready to plant adeniums. If you are using store bought cacti add additional perlite and sand/rock to make the mix courser so water drains faster. Most cacti soils purchased in stores to much peat moss for your adeniums. The main problem with growing adeniums is root rot. You want to be able to water which means you need a soil for your desert rose that drain quickly. Once you have the correct soil 97% of all problems with growing desert roses adeniums plants are solved!

74 Replies to “Desert rose soil: What soil to use for growing adeniums”

  1. great issues altogether, you just received brand new reader. What could you recommend in regards to your post that you just made some days in the past? Any positive?

  2. Best stuff I’ve found for growing desert roses is $1 kitty litter from the dollar store which has been sifted over a window screen mesh to remove all the fine materials. The resulting material is a very coarse expanded ceramic which will hold some water and fertilizer (unlike perlite) but drains super fast and gives a well aerated media, which is very important for desert roses. And it is cheap!

  3. Any way to replace perlite with vermiculite or anything else?
    I absolutely hate how the white perlite floats everywhere.

    1. vermiculite is more like a rock and less of a filler use to make space for air flow. Yes you can use more vermiculite or do what we do when planting adeniums – put a small layer of non-porous rocks on top to keep the soil down including the perlite. The purpose of the perlite in the adenium soil mix is to add something that does not adsorb water all all and allows air flow in the soil.

  4. Hello! I was wondering if it’s ok to use kanuma mixed with akadama for my desert rose? I bought one from a retail store but it’s on a plastic pot with potting mix which i need to change…

    1. I’m not familiar with Kanuma mixed with akadama. I did a quick search and akadama is soil but really does not describe what’s in it. Kanuma is an azalea soil which is 100% wrong foe adeniums desert rose plants. Retains too much water!

      1. Akadama is a granular clay-like mineral that its usually used for bonsai soil. Really??? I was planning on using akadama since it improves drainage by alot plus a little bit of kanuma to add a little moisture too the soil and make it more acidic.

  5. Hi, I want to repot my desert rose since the pot it’s in got broken and im thinking of using this mix: 70% vermiculite, 20% coir and 10% rocks, would it be good for my desert rose? since i live on a desert type climate…

  6. Adeniums are available in delhi in masjid nursery near khan market, all sizes of them at different prices.

  7. If shopping at walmart what soil should i pick up ore than likely i will use all purpose potting soil, i saw something about kitty litter could i mix that with potting soil and let sleeping dogs lie?

    1. No kitty litter – it retains water which is the opposite of what you want to do! If you want to buy soil from Walmart you will need to buy two things: cactus soil and perlite. There cactus soil has peat moss which causes problems allowing are to get into the soil. Take the cactus soil and add 50% more perlite.

  8. Excellent information on potting mixes for adeniums . You have to adapt to your local conditions. I live on the east coast of South Africa with average summer temperatures of 28 degrees celcius and winter average of 12 degrees celcius. I use one third coir peat , one third bark and one third bark based potting soil. I use polystyrene balls at the base for air flow. Seems to work well over the last two years. Now trying some of the Siam Adeniums hybrids.

  9. I just repotted mine with 50% perlite and fast-draining potting soil. I also sprayed the roots with a water hose and wiggled the roots free while gently untangling them and jammed styrofoam pieces between the roots carefully bending and spreading them out for better aeration and to promote growth. However,I repotted in same pot for lack of a new one with 1/2 – 1 inch of roots exposed. I hope it doesn’t break the shallow clay pot. After poking the soil mixture down into all the empty spaces, I spread a layer of pea pebbles and pressed then down to retain the perlite as mentioned above. One question I have is about a root that has a large hole on one side which I discovered after peeling back a loose piece of skin. That same root below the soil line had a larger cavity. Is this root rot caused by excess water due to a water tray under the pot?
    Thanks for all this great information!

  10. This has been very informative. I live on the east coast of Australia and have struggled to grow this plant in the past.. Every one I’ve grown has ended up with root rot.
    Now I think I’m going to have another crack at them.

  11. I also live on the east coast of Australia. N.s.w I’m just about to makeup my own soil mixture as I’ve also been having trouble with root rot. You said be careful of certain pots as they cook the roots so can I have your suggestion of type of pots to use. And also thanks for all your info it’s been very helpful.

    1. Terracotta pots with at least holes in the bottom – bonsai pots are the best. We have some glazed pots but the bottom are always un-glazed. At our nursery we have all types of pots (plastic, terracotta, etc.) and our environment is hot, extremely humid (85% to 99% 6 months of the year) and tons of rain. The right soil is critical to prevent rot. yes, the right pot is somewhat important (needs holes in the bottom) but not anywhere near as critical as the soil to prevent root rot.

  12. Hi,
    I need help as I am a first time grower, I purchased some Adenium Obesum seeds and want to do everything right the first time.
    I plan to germinate the seeds in Seed starting mix (is this ok) do i need to add anything to it? (river sand or some cacti potting mix?) When can i transplant it (4 leaf stage or later)
    Also at what stage can i start growing the caudex fatter?

    I live in Victoria, Australia (South East Coast)
    High temperature summers would be 40 degrees C max and these are rare at these times, averages would be 27-37 Celcius
    Lowest winter temperatures would be 5 degrees C.
    In winter i plan to put either a frost mesh or plastic drop sheet over the tree to keep it warm, with a few holes at the top for air (is this ok?), or is 5 degrees C ok and i shouldn’t worry about making it any warmer through winter?

    I was thinking of purchasing a shallow bowl pot diameter 110CM x depth 40CM for my Adenium rose, is this enough for the whole lifetime of the tree? Also it is made of terrazzo fibreglass and is black, has holes at the bottom for drainage (will the summer heat cook it, or should it be fine in this and for winter should i look at a stone/terracotta version or should the fibreglass be enough to keep heat during winter?

    1. there are a few articles on seed growing but mainly this site if for established plants. You are in your spring time which is great fro growing adeniums by seed. Group plant the sees in a shallow tray. Keep out of direct sunlight for the first 6 months of growing.

  13. hello I have just brought some dessert roses how deep & wide should the pots be can I use succulent potting mix,thanking you

  14. Hi I am a new desert rose grower. I got my plant and originally potted it in cactus soil. After some reading I realized this would not drain fast enough and repotted it a few days later in a mixture of cactus soil and perlite with rocks at the bottom, but I feel the soil is still too slow draining and I didn’t use enough perlite. Will repotting it again so soon put too much stress on my plant? I’m not sure if I should wait and just water less frequently or if it is better to get the plant in better draining soil as soon as possible?

    1. the problem with most store bought cactus soil it that it contains moss not coir. Moss tends to hold too much water and sometimes creates a film/crust on the top of the soil so the water does not flow through easily. May of our clients use the cactus soil but mix it 50/50 with perlite to make it much more airy.

  15. Hi, I’m repotting 2-month old adenium seedlings this weekend. What potting mix would you recommend I use? (I sowed the seeds in 50/50 coco peat and propagating sand). Thanks and more power to you! God bless!

  16. Hello, I live in Brisbane australia and I’ve got adenium roses that are approx 6 months old and I would like to transfer them to bonsai pots. Are they too young to be transfered?? I was also thinking of using a mix of 50% organic soil and 50% sand (without limestone) plus adding a layer of river pebbles in the bottom of the pots. Will this be sufficient? I also currently have them in a greenhouse but when should I expose them to sunlight and will they need to be in direct light? It’s currently winter here so how often should I water them? Thankyou in advance. Regards Susanne

    1. The age is one thing but your soil mix is wrong for adeniums. Adeniums are desert plants what do not grow well in soil rich areas. You need to reduce soil to under 10%. Use coir – perlite 50%, coir 30 %, 5% small rocks and 5% soil. Bisbane is a very dry area so whihc is way I said 50% coir than in a tropical environment (we use 30% coir) to help retain a bit of moisture. We do not repot seedlings until at least 8 months old. Ours are planted in 1″ liners and once they caudex is so big they do are stretching the plastic (1 inch wide caudex) is when we move them into a 3″ pot.

  17. I think the mix you’ve posted might work well for me here in Southern California, which is fairly dry 8-9 months of the year. But the mix ratios you posted only add up to 90%. What is the missing 10% – more small rocks, a bit more soil or perlite, or perhaps something not mentioned, like grit or coarse sand? I’m repotting 4 dozen 2 year-old adenium seedlings to larger pots this summer,

  18. Hi, we have 2 Adeniums, they are planted in Bonsai pots but are not doing so well. We are going to replant them using the mixture suggested. I was going to plant them in a larger pot, one that is about 6″ wide and about 8″ deep. We have some friends that have theirs in pots about that size and they are doing great. Lots of flowers and strong looking trunks. Would that be ok? And how often should we water?

  19. I live in southwest Florida and have a beautiful, approximately 16 inch high, desert rose growing in our front garden. About 12 inches wide. I am. Ovine and want to take it to our new home. I want to dig it from its present location, place it in a black plant pot, and plant it in two months.
    How should I dig it, besides carefully?

  20. Is there a “Brand” of soil sold at stores for a Desert Rose with the following ingredients:
    65% perlite, 10 coir, 10% sand/rock and 15% organic material such as potting soil.
    Thank you very much.

    1. We mix our own soil for most of the plants (different mix percents than what you want to use – we use no-organic material beyond coir and rocks). We purchase large qty’s of propagation mixes and supplement then with other things for when we grow from see from nursery supply distributors (wholesale). so I’m not sure all the soils available at retail stores beyond the per-package cactus blends.

  21. Hello,
    I’m a complete beginner, and I’m wondering if using bonsai mix would be alright for planting a adenium?

  22. Hello,

    Would it be ok to add some portion of charcoal to the soil such as the Mosser Lee ML0810 Horticultural Charcoal? I learned this charcoal material will create air packages in the soil that might help grow in other plants

  23. Is the Desert Rose plant susceptible to a fungus? Here in central Florida (St Petersburg) we have a lot of problems with fungus on Roses and other ornamental plants. If they are, what would be the best recommended Fungicide to use? Also, I have had Scale & Aphid problems in the past which led to Sooty Black Mold from Honeydew. My local Garden Supply recommended using granular systemic treatment to cure/prevent future problems. I am always concerned about using systemics due to the possible harm being done to our Honeybee population, would you recommend another method to handle these problems?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. Yes in a tropical environment they an get brown spot, tip rot and root rod which are all caused by fungus. We are located in SE Florida (Miami area) and we do not use fungicides. Instead we use the right soil for quick draining, we do not over head water to keep the leaves dry which is a major cause of tip rot and brown/black spots ion leaves. Our adeniums are not attached by aphids or scale but since you haev melons the problem can transfer to other plants. You can try soapy water or a diluted neem oil (not during hot season).

  24. Hi I live in Toronto Canada. It is very hot and humid in the summer and very snowy and cold in the winter. My Adenium,’s are outside in the summer and inside at the window or grow light in the winter. I have bonsai trees but I am new to Adenium’s and having difficulties deciding soil mixes. Can you tell me what soil mix and fertilizer I should use? Thank you.

  25. Hello, we live in Noosa Australia. We have purchased cacti and succulent potting mix, but feel it retains too much water. We have now purchases a bag of perlite (minute balls), coir brick and sandstone river pebbles (1-2cm size). We are limited in range of products available. I was hoping you may advise what percentage of each product we could try?

  26. My dessert rose plant is dropping buds before they fully opening (the flower stem is a lighter green and soft/fragile). What is you best guess? Is this over watering, insufficient drainage, or not enough nutrients?

  27. I am planting an adenium arabicum and purchased cactus soil. I have been reading that I should perlite and sand, both of which I have. I will be using two (2) 1 cu ft bags of the cactus soil for the planter. How much perlite and sand should adding for this amount of soil?

  28. Hi,
    I enjoy reading all your advice to everyone.
    I live in Doha, Qatar where it is 40 – 47’C from April to October, mostly dry and windy with some humid days (and the rest of the year normal weather 10 – 20’C).
    My question is, with your ratio of soil mix, will there be enough organic matter to actually feed my adeniums?
    At the moment they are in quite big and deep pots with
    30% Garden Soil/Course Sand
    30% Potting Soil
    20% Peat Moss
    20% Coco Peat.
    We are watering every 2nd day.
    They are looking OK and we have quite a few flowers but many blooms don’t open and go brown and rot.
    I am keen to try your soil mix but some of my plants are 10 years old so very scared to kill them.

  29. Great material for the soil requirements and care. One question, I have over forty orchids here in Melbourne Fl. I am getting ready to repot two desert roses, do you recommend using clay orchid pots that have the additional open slots on the sides ?

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