Euphorbia milii crown of throns plants flowers and care

Good morning Mike,

I collected adenium and crown of thorns (Euphorbia milii) Please help me out, I had about 40 pots crown of thorns, many are big. At first I was very excited and buy buy, many of my friends also buy.  From March to May they were beautiful, but from May on, no more bloom. Please help me what fertilizer makes them bloom? I bought super bloom and it doesn’t work. Now that so many pots without blooms, the excitement cool down and I stop buying. I now focus on looking for a house with a big backyard. I needs land for all my plants and space for greenhouse in the winter. Another things, many of my adenium had so many buds, so many of them drop before it open, why why why? Please help me.


Hi Marie:

We have crown thorns in the grown and in pots. The Euphorbia milii bloom all year round here. In winter (our dry season) they do tend to not flower as much and may shrink a big because they do not get as much water (twice a week during winter) via sprinklers. Crown thorns like to be watered frequently. Our crown of thorns plants get water via nature (in summer it thunderstorms in afternoons about 4 out of 7 days a week) and we just about never get root rot. the soil we use is a little different than the adeniums. We use more soil to help retain some moisture. How much water do you give them?  We use a time released 17-17-17. Also, how much sun do they get?  There are many varieties of crown thorn flowers and three sizes of plants (Dwarf, small and larger).

Adenium buds – It is not their normal flowering season. Most the adeniums energy now is for growth not the flowers.  Usually we have the same problem when we recently repotted the plants (within the first 2..3 months). However, after 4..6 months the buds do not fall off anymore. Its better to give recently planted plants time to grow new roots and branches than it is to have them flower. We are still cropping plants (we did 300 plants last weekend) to create more branches and to grow the caudex at this time. These are some of the ones we received in early May that have really taken off!


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