Growing adenium desrt rose plants from seeds

Growing season is well on its way here in South Florida. Four weeks ago we started to grow 5,000 desert rose plants by seed. They are doing great. We use standard 1020 trays with no holes so it retains water. Then we use propagation soil mix, sod the seeds and then water. Once water we place a place doom to retain the moisture in the 1020 trays. Presently, we have thousands of seedlings with 3..3 leaves.

This week the seedlings will be fertilized with Dyna-Gro Grow and Dyna-Gro TekT for the first time. The idea is to give the desert rose plant seedlings a boost to enable us to move the desert rose plant trays to an outdoor growing area (yes covered). Presently, the trays are under a growing under a extended roof that is open on all side to outside air and warmth but not the light. They get filtered light about 40%. The warmth causes the moisture in tray to condense on the underside of the dome and then droplets  drip on the seedlings to prevent them from drying out.

We expect to move the adenium seedlings  to the outdoor area with 80% light in 3..4 weeks. However, before we move them outdoors we will pot the seedlings in individual 2″ posts and place in trays that fit in the 1020 trays. By doing it this method we can continue to keep the seedlings moist until they are 3..4 months old.  We will post images later.

2 Replies to “Growing adenium desrt rose plants from seeds”

    1. currently AdeniumRose Company started to grow over 4,000 adenium plants from seeds a little over a month ago. The seedlings are doing great and we expect to have them ready to sell by next spring. The problem with adeniums seedlings is that may people sell them way too young and when people receive them they treat them as mature plants. Adeniums are not truly nature until they are around 2 years old with a caudex of 1″ plus inches across. On the average adenium desert rose plants do not flower until they are 3 yrs old (some sooner and some later). Anyway at the presently time we are 100% sold out of seedlings (plants under 1.5 years old)

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