Hellebore Plants Growing

Growing hellebore plants in your garden provides great late winter and spring flowers.   Hellebores, also know as Lenten roses, bloom from February to late May. These perennials provide year round attractive  evergreen foliage in most regions. Lenten roses adapts well to sunny to mostly shade areas.

Planting Hellebore Plants


Hellebore plantsWhen selecting a site to grow Hellebore Plants, select partial shade with rich yet well draining soil.  Great to use on hillsides, raised planters and in large pots.

Plant them just below the crown.  The crown is the top soil level. All roots need air and if you plant the crown deep you will have problems.  Remove all old potting soil and spread out the root system. Hellebore plants grow in large clumps which you can subdivide.

Epic Grower LLC current carries the Sunshine  Hellebore plants.  The planned release is mid summer. All Hellebore plants are growing in 1 gallon nursery pots.  Since many of the Hellebores in the sunshine collection cross pollinate you may be a new flower type. The long lasting blooms are somewhat downward facing.

Hellebore Plants Care


Hellebore plants are late winter through May bloomers. The start to go dormant during the heat of summer.  Repeat: Heat of summer causes them to stop growth.

Also, once a year provide the plants with additional compost or rich soil (Manure works well).  During their dormant period reduce watering and protect from excessive heat. Yes, they will grow in full sun but prefer partial shade.

During their growing periods (spring/fall) increase watering . Make sure the water drains well to prevent roots problems.  In fall, prune back old foliage/leaves back to base.  Basically leave good/new foliage on the plant.



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