This will be a short post of adenium plants we received late last week. The plants are going through the final sort and planting in to desert rose pots this week. We did not receive many that we were expecting. However, we did receive over 240 desert rose plants that required 10″ to 12″ pots. These larger adenium plants have caudexes (circumference) of 16″ to 24″. Some are of know adenium flower types (phatuma pink. pink panter, hasadee red, amazing, valentine, and others). However, we did get over 31 types that we do not know what the desert rose flower looks like nor did we receive images from Thailand. We are requesting images and we will post them once/if we receive the images. Some of the adenium plant types are single plants (only one of a particular desert rose plant name).

Also, received were standard size adenium plants of dang tealwada, ora bright, jareangtong and others new desert rose plants including yellow crazy which is one we tried to get in January but they were not ready.
New adenium plants in standard size are C. America, Wanda, Bella, and yellow crazy. if you signed up to our website you will receive a special coupon soon to save on these desert roses and others. Go to Epic Grower company’s website for new postings starting this weekend (if it stops raining) and if you have any questions please let us know.
HELLO. I really would like your help!
Yesterday I noticed on my Desert Rose that the base was rotting. I was able to call it rot after searching all over the internet to find out what was causing brown mush. I stumbled upon your website & followed your instructions about cutting out all the rot. I did that & now a substantial section of trunk is missing & my beautiful plant can’t support itself. It’s leaning. I have it propped up at present. I’m so confused as to how so much of the trunk could have rotted out, but it continued to grow so beautifully. I realize my error that my girl was planted too deeply. When cleaning out rot I checked the roots and no rot or disease was present. Please help. I have pictures I can send. It’d mean so very much if you could communicate with me & let me know what my options are. Thank you in advance. 🙂
Many people plant them too deep. If your rot started on top not form the roots then you had tip rot usually caused by too much standing water on the leaves or a fungus. If you are using the right soil and watering properly planting deep with not cause tip rot. Now if you mean the caudex was rotted (exposed root system) then you may be using the wrong soil. Planting then deep by itself will not cause rot it will just not develop a good caudex. Rot is causes by too much water.
Hi – Not sure if i should post here but I’d like some help on my desert rose.
I got my plant from IKEA and have it for about a year. It survived the winter and grew really well in spring. Recently it started to lose leaves rapidly. The leaves had discoloration from the tip, and looked dry and curly near the tip, then falls. The fallen leave feels soft. The caudex feels firm and healthy.
Did I water it too much? Not enough sunlight? Or spider mites/bugs?
Thank you!!!
Sounds like you may be getting tip rot. Check to see if the stems are soft. If they are and they start to get dark to black then you have tip rot. Otherwise its either not enough water or the adenium plant need nutrients.
I recently purchased an Adenium which in my opinion is in too large a pot. Right now it has several flower buds so I will wait to transplant it until after it has finished flowering. When I do transplant it should I soak the roots in Superthrive as in when receiving bare rooted plants?
Yes – when you re-pot the desert rose go ahead an soap in superthrive for about 20 minutes. The rule of thumb with adenium plants is that the pot width should not be more than 2″ larger than roots width on all sides. Also, keep the pot shallow! Bonsai pots work great because they are shallow and come in just about all sizes.
How do I sign up to your website tol receive special coupon to save on these desert roses? I went to AdeniumRose company’s website but did not see any link to sign up.
Good Day:
You need to register with the site. On any of the Adeniumrose pages click register on the top and follow the instructions. Once you register send a email asking for any current coupon. Coupons can only be sent to register people.
Thank you