- Adenium plant Red Hasadee – common name desert rose
This is a recent arrival from Thailand. It’s a grafted adenium, desert rose common name, hybrid graft on a three year old adenium obesum. You will notice it has 4 to five layers of pedals of rich red color with dark red almost black edges.
Grafted adeniums in Thailand and India are taking the adeniums plants to new heights. The flowers of the desert rose are challenging regular rose bushes (the non-succulent rose bush) in beauty and quality.
Adenium flowers which are sold in box stores usually have four to five pedals but no in layers. They are commonly pink, pink with white and other shades of pink with white. You may seeing some double pedals adenium plants in USA store soon but specialty ones with three, four and even five layers of pedals are still a few years away unless you obtain then from specialty growers such as AdeniumRose Company in Miami. Adenium plants are succulents that grow slow but are easy to maintain. Unlike rose plants, adeniums take little care, fertilization and water to produce great looking flowers. They have a natural bonsai look to the plants due to their large caudex growth (exposed root system). In the coming weeks look for more images of new adenium arrivals including yellow, magenta and striped adeniums.
i am intresting in purchasing of rare adenium seeds kindly send me your price list.
Good Day:
Currently,we do not offer seeds at AdeniumRose Company. Please go to Adeniumrose company our website for images and pricing on desert rose plants (adenium obesum), cactus and other succulent plants. If you register with the site you will receive periodic coupons to save money when buying adenium plants and other succulents.