The floods in Thailand have greatly delayed new shipments of adenium plants to nurseries. Many Thailand adenium plant nurseries have lost most of their stock in floods this past winter. However, shipments of new adenium hybrid plants, desert roses, will start arriving in a couple of weeks. Thailand is on the cutting edge of adenium hybrid plant cultivation and grafting. Desert rose plants from the Thailand area greatly exceed expectations in colors and adenium growing.
Expect to see more three and four level adenium flower pedals and even some 5 level pedals. Many of the flowers of the adenium plants are rivaling rose bush flowers in colors and shape. However, they still do not produce a fragrance like rose bushes. The desert rose plants are easier to grow than rose bushes and have less problems. If you are interested in seeing new adenium plant flowers images then go to the AdeniumRose Company photo gallery.
Here is one example of a new hybrid flower of a desert rose adenium plant for 2012 include the flowering “Happy Gold” (below). Notice the pedals layering just like a rose bush but not.

We just received a question about “Black”flower adenium plants and I wanted to post it here concerning images of adenium plants on Ebay and other areas.
Unfortunately, there are not true black adeniums like you see on Ebay. We would rather be honest. Many of the images (especially the ones from Thailand and India) on Ebay and some other sites are showing greatly enhanced images of adenium flowers. Usually they take a right red and darken the image to look black, alter colors and many times our right lie about the plants they are selling.
In the past, the images we received from Thailand are only 70% correct in the colors they show. Last year we order some they said were black but turned out to be a rich red dark red – not even close to black. The AdeniumRose Company is receiving a hundreds plants this week from Thailand. some of the images indicate some adenium flowers types with black looking borders and 80% black flowers. However, it will take a few months to get them to flower to determine the true color of the desert rose flowers.
We have purchased seeds of so called “black” and red with “Black edges” and they all turned out to be false.
Thank you for your request. When the flowers bloom we will take images and then add them to the product list. You can wait for get one of the bundle to save $$ now.
I am looking for Dark Yellow and Full Black flowers
Looking for yellow adeniums with bark edges on the desert rose?