New shipment of adenium plants – desert roses

A new shipment of Adeniums plants were just received.  At the present time the desert rose plants are being inspected potted. Usually, we pot the plant and wait 3 or more months to offer the plants or until they haev at least 9 to ten new leaf growth. When the adenium plants are received from Thailand they are 100% leaf less and barre root. Prior to being shipped the US the adeniums go through a process including dipping the plants in a solution before they are packed in Thailand to prevent pests/bugs. When the desert rose plants arrive in the USA then must go through the USDA inspection station when a group of specialists review the plants to make sure there are not bugs or fungus prior to releasing them to AdeniumRose Company LLC.

AdeniumRose Company then inspect the plants again prior to planting.  We dip the adenium plants in Dyna-Gro K-l-N fertilizer for 30 minutes prior to potting then in our fresh desert rose soil mix.  We put rocks on top of the soil to prevent the Perlite from floating to the top of the soil. Perlite in the soil makes sure there is room for air which helps to prevents root rot.

The desert rose plants are them places in a 60% sun for 4 days without any water. After 4 days they are placed on our 100% open not under cover growing tables for 3 months before they are released bye AdeniumRose Company.

10 Replies to “New shipment of adenium plants – desert roses”

  1. 1. Hello! I was wondering if you have some jumbo size desert roses available for sale.
    2. I would also be interested if you have some multiple varieties grafted into one plant (so I’ll see different color blooms in one plant)
    3. I have purchased two plumerias from you about a month ago. They have not leafed out yet. Can I use dyna grow on them? I used super thrive when I placed them on their pots (I did not have dyna grow on hand at that time. I do now) Which dyna grow should I use on them?
    4. Lastly, can I use dyna grow on other plants (that are not a succulent or cacti) like orchids, roses, hydrangeas, dahlias, lilies, etc
    Thanks in advance for answering my questions.

    1. We just received a desert rose shipment including some ex-large and jumbo adenium plants but they will not be ready for 2..3 months. We have a couple jumbos growing in 14″ pots which I plan to list soon. Some butterfly caterpillars ate all their leaves about a week ago so it will take a weeks or so for them to leaf out again. We do not mind the caterpillars because after they eat the adenium leaves the plants usually bursts out with new growth and sometimes another flowering! Use dyna-gro grow about once a month on the plumerias. Most of our plumierias are not leafing out and many are blooming. There are a few hold outs that show signs that they will leaf out but haev not yet. When plumerias (any plant) is unpotted they go into shock and take a bit of time to recover. Yes you can use Dyna-Gro grow on most types of plants.

  2. Hello! No leaves on desert roses don’t bother me. They will just lose it after shipment anyway. Please, if you can, email me – minnie1875 when you have a jumbo available for sale. Thanks again for answering my questions. I’ll be sure to order more dynamic gro next time I place an order with you.

  3. hi i got question,

    1. i received my adeniums last April 3rd, when i will be seeing some leaves to the plants, some are blooming but no leafs, and blooms drops later on

    2. can you grow adenium seedlings under grow led light? and if yes how high it should be to the plants or how low it can go, i have a 300 Watts grow led light

    3. whats the best fertilizers for growing adeniums?

    thank you

    1. Sometimes adeniums bloom before they leaf. If you are starting to see leafs and then they drop off it could be due to nutrients in the soil, not enough light or water. We use Dyna-gro products (go to our website Yes, you can use grow lights and LED lights to grow adenium seeds. Most LED lights need to be 12″ to 24″ above the seeds and/or plants. However, ask your LED supplier for specifications on using their lights to grow seeds and small plants.

    1. We just released the Extra large plants which have a caudex of 5″ to 7″ across. We have listed a couple jumbo desert rose plants a couple weeks ago last month but they are gone. We have a few more jumbo adenium plant hybrids but they are not ready for release (we cropped them a bit recently).

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